<> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY CD, CDBasics, CStitching, CDCells, Recognizer, TerminalIO; RecognizerImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS CD, CDBasics, CStitching, CDCells, TerminalIO EXPORTS Recognizer = BEGIN RegionList: TYPE = LIST OF REF CStitching.Region; Plane: TYPE = CStitching.Tesselation; PossibleProcedureRec: TYPE = RECORD [ technology: CD.Technology, rectCount: INT, instProc: Recognizer.PossibleInstanceProc --the procedure that will return possible instances ]; procRegistration: LIST OF REF PossibleProcedureRec _ NIL; --Contains registered possible procedures ActiveLayersRec: TYPE = RECORD [ technology: CD.Technology, active1: CD.Layer, active2: CD.Layer, layerList: LIST OF CD.Layer ]; layerRegistration: LIST OF REF ActiveLayersRec _ NIL; --Contains registered active layer pairs Handle: TYPE = REF HandleRep; HandleRep: TYPE = RECORD [ design: CD.Design, cellOb: CD.Object, active1: CD.Layer _ CD.undefLayer, active2: CD.Layer _ CD.undefLayer, overlapPlane: Plane _ NIL, active1CheckTess: Plane _ NIL, active2CheckTess: Plane _ NIL, coveredList: LIST OF REF CStitching.Region _ NIL, matches: BOOL _ TRUE, layerPlanes: ARRAY CD.Layer OF Plane _ ALL[NIL] ]; Free: PROC [p: Plane] = { CStitching.ResetTesselation[p]; }; RecognizeObjects: PUBLIC PROC [design: CD.Design, cellOb: CD.Object] = BEGIN FOR activeList: LIST OF REF ActiveLayersRec _ layerRegistration, activeList.rest WHILE activeList#NIL DO IF activeList.first.technology = design.technology THEN { h: Handle _ NEW[HandleRep _ [design, cellOb]]; h.active1 _ activeList.first.active1; h.active2 _ activeList.first.active2; h.layerPlanes[h.active1] _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; h.layerPlanes[h.active2] _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; FOR layerList: LIST OF CD.Layer _ activeList.first.layerList, layerList.rest WHILE layerList#NIL DO h.layerPlanes[layerList.first] _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; ENDLOOP; FillPlanesByDrawingRects[design, h]; h.overlapPlane _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; FormOverlapPlane[plane1: h.layerPlanes[h.active1], plane2: h.layerPlanes[h.active2], overlapPlane: h.overlapPlane]; CStitching.EnumerateArea[plane: h.overlapPlane, rect: CDBasics.universe, skip: $none, eachTile: GrowTransistorTile, data: h]; <<>> <<--help the garbage collector>> Free[h.overlapPlane]; FOR layerList: LIST OF CD.Layer _ activeList.first.layerList, layerList.rest WHILE layerList#NIL DO Free[h.layerPlanes[layerList.first]]; ENDLOOP; Free[h.layerPlanes[h.active1]]; Free[h.layerPlanes[h.active2]]; }; [] _ CDCells.ResizeCell[design, cellOb]; ENDLOOP; END; FillPlanesByDrawingRects: PROC [design: CD.Design, h: Handle] = BEGIN pr: CD.DrawRef _ CD.CreateDrawRef[[ design: h.design, drawRect: DrawRectIntoPlane, drawChild: DrawChildIntoPlane, devicePrivate: h ]]; h.cellOb.class.drawMe[pr: pr, ob: h.cellOb]; END; DrawChildIntoPlane: CD.DrawProc = BEGIN IF ob.class.wireTyped THEN ob.class.drawMe[pr, ob, trans] END; DrawRectIntoPlane: CD.DrawRectProc = BEGIN h: Handle ~ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; IF h.layerPlanes[l]#NIL THEN CStitching.ChangeRect[plane: h.layerPlanes[l], rect: r, new: $cover]; END; FormOverlapPlane: PUBLIC PROC [plane1, plane2, overlapPlane: Plane] = <<--Overlapping regions between plane1 and plane2 will be added to the overlapPlane>> BEGIN FOR rl1: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[plane1, CDBasics.universe, $none], rl1.rest WHILE rl1#NIL DO IF rl1.first.value=$cover THEN FOR ovL: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[plane2, rl1.first.rect, $none], ovL.rest WHILE ovL#NIL DO IF ovL.first.value=$cover THEN CStitching.ChangeRect[plane: overlapPlane, rect: ovL.first.rect, new: $cover]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; GrowTransistorTile: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, data: REF ANY] = <<--A new tesselation called currentTess is formed which contains the maximum connected region that has the same value as tile and contains tile.>> BEGIN IF tile.value = $cover THEN { currentTess: Plane ~ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; h: Handle _ NARROW[data]; tileList: LIST OF CStitching.Tile _ LIST[tile]; WHILE tileList#NIL DO tile: CStitching.Tile _ tileList.first; tileList _ tileList.rest; IF tile.value#$done THEN { tileList _ GetNeighborsSameAsMe[tile, h.overlapPlane, tileList]; CStitching.ChangeRect[currentTess, CStitching.Area[tile], $cover]; tile.value _ $done; }; ENDLOOP; AnalyzeTransistor[currentTess, h]; Free[currentTess]; } END; GetNeighborsSameAsMe: PROC [tile: CStitching.Tile, tess: Plane, tileList: LIST OF CStitching.Tile] RETURNS [newList: LIST OF CStitching.Tile] = <<--Returns all tiles adjacent to tile that have the same value as tile>> BEGIN cur: CStitching.Tile; newList _ tileList; cur _ CStitching.EN[tile]; WHILE CStitching.WS[cur] = tile DO IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.SW[cur]; ENDLOOP; IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.SW[tile]; WHILE CStitching.NE[cur] = tile DO IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.EN[cur]; ENDLOOP; IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.WS[tile]; WHILE CStitching.EN[cur] = tile DO IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.NE[cur]; ENDLOOP; IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.NE[tile]; WHILE CStitching.SW[cur] = tile DO IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; cur _ CStitching.WS[cur]; ENDLOOP; IF cur.value = tile.value THEN newList _ CONS[cur, newList]; END; AnalyzeTransistor: PROC [plane: Plane, h: Handle] = <<--Enumerates plane, counting the covered regions and storing the covered regions on h.coveredList. The count and technology are used to select the proper Possible Instance Procedures to call. The Possible Instance Procedures return a list of possible instances which are then searched for a match.>> BEGIN currentList: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[plane, CDBasics.universe, $none]; count: INT _ 0; possibleInstListPtr: REF Recognizer.InstAndForbidLayerList _ NEW[Recognizer.InstAndForbidLayerList _ NIL]; h.coveredList _ NIL; FOR countList: RegionList _ currentList, countList.rest WHILE countList#NIL DO IF countList.first.value#NIL THEN { count _ count + 1; h.coveredList _ CONS[countList.first, h.coveredList]; }; ENDLOOP; FOR procList: LIST OF REF PossibleProcedureRec _ procRegistration, procList.rest WHILE procList#NIL DO IF procList.first.technology = h.design.technology AND procList.first.rectCount = count THEN procList.first.instProc[h.active1, h.active2, h.coveredList, possibleInstListPtr]; ENDLOOP; WHILE possibleInstListPtr^#NIL DO IF InstanceMatches[possibleInstListPtr^.first.instance, h] AND NoForbiddenOverlap[possibleInstListPtr^.first.forbidLayerList, h] THEN { newInst: CD.Instance _ CDCells.IncludeOb[ design: h.design, cell: h.cellOb, ob: possibleInstListPtr^.first.instance.ob, trans: possibleInstListPtr^.first.instance.trans, mode: dontResize ].newInst; newInst.selected _ TRUE; EXIT; } ELSE possibleInstListPtr^ _ possibleInstListPtr^.rest; ENDLOOP; END; InstanceMatches: PROC [instance: CD.Instance, h: Handle] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = <<--Draws the instance using the instances drawMe procedure>> BEGIN pr: CD.DrawRef _ CD.CreateDrawRef[[ design: h.design, devicePrivate: h, drawRect: DrawRectAgainstTess ]]; h.matches _ TRUE; h.active1CheckTess _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; h.active2CheckTess _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; instance.ob.class.drawMe[pr: pr, ob: instance.ob, trans: instance.trans]; IF h.matches THEN RETURN[OverlapRegionsMatch[h]]; <> END; DrawRectAgainstTess: CD.DrawRectProc = <<--The rect is enumerated against its layer plane, if it is not covered then h.matches is set to false.>> BEGIN h: Handle _ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; checkPlane: Plane _ h.layerPlanes[l]; IF CDBasics.NonEmpty[r] THEN { IF l = h.active1 THEN CStitching.ChangeRect[h.active1CheckTess, r, $cover] ELSE IF l = h.active2 THEN CStitching.ChangeRect[h.active2CheckTess, r, $cover]; IF checkPlane = NIL THEN { h.matches _ FALSE; TerminalIO.PutRope["Unexpected Layer Encountered\n"]; RETURN }; FOR checkList: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[checkPlane, r, $none], checkList.rest WHILE checkList#NIL DO IF checkList.first.value = NIL THEN { h.matches _ FALSE; RETURN } ENDLOOP; } END; OverlapRegionsMatch: PROC [h: Handle] RETURNS [b: BOOL _ TRUE] = <<--Forms the overlap of what is stored in active1CheckTess and active2CheckTess and makes sure that everthing on the coveredList is really covered by the overlap>> BEGIN checkTess: Plane _ CStitching.NewTesselation[]; FOR list1: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[plane: h.active1CheckTess, rect: CDBasics.universe, skip: $none], list1.rest WHILE list1#NIL DO IF list1.first.value#NIL THEN FOR overlapList: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[plane: h.active2CheckTess, rect: list1.first.rect, skip: $none], overlapList.rest WHILE overlapList#NIL DO IF overlapList.first.value#NIL THEN CStitching.ChangeRect[checkTess, overlapList.first.rect, $cover]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; b _ RegionAndTessOverlapCompletely[h.coveredList, checkTess]; Free[checkTess]; END; NoForbiddenOverlap: PROC [layerList: LIST OF CD.Layer, h: Handle] RETURNS [BOOL _ TRUE] = <<--h.coveredList is enumerated against the layerList. Returns FALSE if any piece of the coveredList is covered on any of the layers.>> BEGIN WHILE layerList#NIL DO IF h.layerPlanes[layerList.first] = NIL THEN { TerminalIO.PutRope["Unexpected Layer Encountered\n"]; RETURN [FALSE]; } ELSE IF RegionAndTessIntersect[h.coveredList, h.layerPlanes[layerList.first]] THEN RETURN [FALSE] ELSE layerList _ layerList.rest; ENDLOOP; END; RegionAndTessOverlapCompletely: PROC [checkList: RegionList, tess: Plane] RETURNS [BOOL _ TRUE] = <<--Returns true if everything on checkList is covered on the Tesselation>> BEGIN FOR list: RegionList _ checkList, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO FOR list2: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[plane: tess, rect: list.first.rect, skip: $none], list2.rest WHILE list2#NIL DO IF list2.first.value = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE] ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; RegionAndTessIntersect: PROC [checkList: RegionList, tess: Plane] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = <<--Returns true if the intersection between items on the checklist and the tesselation is non-empty>> BEGIN WHILE checkList#NIL DO FOR intersectList: RegionList _ CStitching.ListArea[tess, checkList.first.rect, $none], intersectList.rest WHILE intersectList#NIL DO IF intersectList.first.value#NIL THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; checkList _ checkList.rest; ENDLOOP; END; RegisterPossibleInstanceProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [technology: CD.Technology, rectCount: INT, instProc: Recognizer.PossibleInstanceProc] = BEGIN procRegistration _ CONS[NEW[PossibleProcedureRec _ [technology, rectCount, instProc]], procRegistration]; END; RegisterLayerList: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [technology: CD.Technology, active1, active2: CD.Layer, layerList: LIST OF CD.Layer] = BEGIN layerRegistration _ CONS[NEW[ActiveLayersRec _ [technology, active1, active2, layerList]], layerRegistration]; END; END.