Jean-Marc Frailong, April 20, 1988
Jean-Marc Frailong September 1, 1988 2:31:24 pm PDT
A simple PC/AT based tester board
Jean-Marc Frailong
© Copyright 1988 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: The MTS board permits to do low-speed chip and hybrid testing.
Created by: Jean-Marc Frailong
Maintained by: Jean-Marc Frailong <>
Keywords: Dragon, Tester, VLSI, Hardware
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. Hardware summary
1.1. Block diagram
A summary block diagram is given in Figure 1. (not yet done ...)
1.2. Connectors
The MTS board has 4 connectors T1, T2, T3, T4 plus the PC/AT extension bus connector. T1 through T4 are 40 pin flat cable connectors. All odd-numbered pins are grounded to improve noise immunity and signal cross-talk. They should also be grounded on the test fixture side.
The other pins are connected as follows:
 2 Ch0 Ch20 Ch40 Ch60
 4 Ch1 Ch21 Ch41 Ch61
 6 Ch2 Ch22 Ch42 Ch62
 8 Ch3 Ch23 Ch43 Ch63
 10 Ch4 Ch24 Ch44 nChainSet (jumper)
 12 Ch5 Ch25 Ch45 nChainOut (jumper)
 14 Ch6 Ch26 Ch46 nStbOut (jumper)
 16 Ch7 Ch27 Ch47 nStbIn (jumper)
 18 Ch8 Ch28 Ch48 nPass (jumper)
 20 Ch9 Ch29 Ch49 nFail (jumper)
 22 Ch10 Ch30 Ch50 StartTest (jumper)
 24 Ch11 Ch31 Ch51 N.C. (jumper)
 26 Ch12 Ch32 Ch52 +5V (jumper)
 28 Ch13 Ch33 Ch53 +5V (jumper)
 30 Ch14 Ch34 Ch54 +5V (jumper)
 32 Ch15 Ch35 Ch55 +5V (jumper)
 34 Ch16 Ch36 Ch56 +5V (jumper)
 36 Ch17 Ch37 Ch57 +5V (jumper)
 38 Ch18 Ch38 Ch58 +5V (jumper)
 40 Ch19 Ch39 Ch59 +5V (jumper)
T4.26 through T4.40 must not be connected to anything on the test fixture since the +5V power supplies may be slightly different. T4.24 may be grounded externally. T4.20 and T4.22 are connected only on a master board (they are N.C. on slave boards through jumper J3).
Normally, T1, T2 and T3 are connected to the text fixture to provide 60 effective channels. The 4 remaining channels are not normally accessible. The T4 connectors of all the boards are connected pin for pin. Moreover, the test fixture may use the nPass and nFail lines to light 2 LEDs (connect positive side to one of +5V lines, the negative side to nPass or nFail) and may provide a push-button grounding StartTest to indicate to the test software that a chip has been inserted and may be tested.
2. Jumpers
NOTE: ALL JUMPER POSITIONS ARE GIVEN WITH THE BOARD UPSIDE-DOWN, PC CONNECTOR ON TOP. In jumper descriptions, a vertical bar | denotes a jumper is present, a dot . denotes there is no jumper at that position.
2.1. Board address
Jumpers J1/J2 determine the board address (bits A4 to A19). J1 contains the least-significant address bits, J2 the most significant address bits. If a jumper is present, the address bit is matched when it is 0, if the jumper is absent, the address bit matches when it is a 1 (jumpers are set vertically).
To set J1/J2 correctly, the best technique is to hold the board upside-down (PC connector on top). The J2 is on the left, J1 on the right, and the 16-bit segment address of the board can be set in binary notation: leftmost J1 is most significant bit, rightmost bit of J2 is least significant bit).
The standard segment address for the first board is $CD01, which translates into:
J2 ..||..|. J1 |||||||. board 1 ($CD01)
J2 ..||..|. J1 ||||||.| board 2 ($CD02)
J2 ..||..|. J1 ||||||.. board 3 ($CD03)
J2 ..||..|. J1 |||||.|| board 4 ($CD04)
J2 ..||..|. J1 |||||.|. board 5 ($CD05)
J2 ..||..|. J1 |||||..| board 6 ($CD06)
J2 ..||..|. J1 |||||... board 7 ($CD07)
NOTE: Since J2 and the first 5 positions of J1 are always jumpered the same way, it is admissible to wire-wrap them instead of jumpering.
The MTS software expects board 1 to be a master board and all other boards to be slave boards (c.f. corresponding section for jumper positions). The slot positions used by boards are of no concern to the software, but they should be placed with boards in increasing numbers when looking from left to right when one is placed in front of the PC/AT or expansion chassis.
2.2. IO mapped or memory mapped
Jumpers P2/P3 define whether the board is memory-mapped or IO-mapped. The test software assumes memory mapping, so these jumpers should never be changed from their default setting which is memory mapped.
The top row of P2/P3 is named P2, the bottom is P3. The jumpers have only 2 valid positions (PC conector on top):
P2/P3 .|.|     P2/P3 |.|.
Memory mapped (Normal)  IO mapped (Don't use this setting)
NOTE: Since only the memory-mapped configuration is expected to be used, it is admissible to wire-wrap the corresponding jumper positions.
2.3. Master or slave
When multiple boards are used, one of them is a master board and all others are slave. The master board is the only one on which reading registers 8 through 15 has any significance. The software expects board # 1 ($CD01) to be the master board, and all slave boards to have increasing consecutive addresses ($CD02 and so on).
Whether a board is master or slave is defined by jumpers P4/P5, J3 and J4. The top row of P4/P5 is P4, the bottom row is P5. The jumpers have the following valid positions (PC conector on top):
Master board:
P4/P5 ||..  J3 .|||..|| J4 ||||||||
Slave board:
P4/P5 ....  J3 ......|| J4 ........
Test position only when T4 test connector is attached (c.f. section 3.2):
P4/P5 ....  J3 .|||.||| J4 ||||||||
3. Connections to test fixture
3.1. T1, T2, T3 ports
Ports T1, T2, T3 each carry 20 test channels on the even-numbered pins and Gnd on the odd-numbered pins. Refer to section 1 for exact pin-out information. A test fixture may use any of these connectors to provide test channels. The Gnd pins must be connected to Gnd on the fixture side also to ensure proper signal shielding.
3.2. T4 port
Port T4 is a control port. It contain 4 additional channels that cannot be used by a test fixture. All the T4 ports of all the boards must be connected together to propagate clocking information properly. Although all connections are not necessary, it is simpler to just connect all T4 connectors pin-for-pin. This chain should also connect a fixture add-on that provides:
- a push-button connecting pins 22 and 23 (or any other odd-numbered pin). This push button controls the Start Test wire.
- a red LED connecting pin 20 (ground side) and one of 26/28/30/32/34/36/38/40 (+5V) through a current-limiting resistor. This LED reflects the status of the nFail line.
- a green LED connecting pin 18 (ground side) and one of 26/28/30/32/34/36/38/40 (+5V) through a current-limiting resistor. This LED reflects the status of the nPass line.
When testing a board (test settings of the jumpers), this add-on test-fixture should also connect together pins 10, 12 and 14 of T4 to ensure proper clocking.
4. Programming model
4.1. Registers
An MTS board controls 64 channels on the tester numbered from 0 to 64. This corresponds to 3 accessible 64-bit registers:
- DOut may be loaded from the PC with the data that will appear on the channels the next time Strobe is asserted. DOut cannot be read from the PC.
- DIn is loaded from the curent channel signals when Strobe is asserted. DIn may not be written into from the PC.
- Drv is loaded from from the PC. Ones in Drv enable the corresponding channel to be driven by the PC side. Drv has an immediate effect (i.e. there is no second stage as for DOut).
Reg0 contains the least significant byte of Reg (DOut, DIn or Drv) whereas Reg7 contains the most significant byte.
Pseudo-registers have side effects when read (all are byte registers):
Pass: assert Pass signal (nPass is active low) shortly during the read operation. Only effective on the master board. Random value returned.
Fail: assert Fail signal (nFail is active low) shortly during the read operation. Only effective on the master board. Random value returned.
Strobe: Transfer DOut into channel output register. Only effective on the master board, all DOut registers are transfered on the slave boards at the same instant. Random value returned.
Clear: Clears DIn, DOut & Drv registers of current board. Returned byte has MSB equal to StartTest input from T4 connector.
4.2. Register addresses
The MTS board is accessible as 16 8-bit registers located in memory or IO space according to an on-board jumper. All current software for the MTS board assumes memory mapping. The registers behave differently on read and write.
 0 DIn0 DOut0
 1 DIn1 DOut1
 2 DIn2 DOut2
 3 DIn3 DOut3
 4 DIn4 DOut4
 5 DIn5 DOut5
 6 DIn6 DOut6
 7 DIn7 DOut7
 8 Pass Drv7
 9 Fail Drv6
 10 N.U. Drv5
 11 N.U. Drv4
 12 N.U. Drv3
 13 N.U. Drv2
 14 Strobe Drv1
 15 Clear Drv0 Note: reading returns StartTest as MSB