PartitionDefs.mesa - September 3, 1979 4:23 PM
Changed for more layers - April 7, 1983 10:29 AM
Changed by TRS for more layers - December 4, 1980 7:09 PM
Last Edited by: McCreight, February 1, 1985 10:56:14 am PST
DIRECTORY Basics, IO, Rope;
The partition package is used to temporarily store data onto a file.
Each data object is associated with a partition. When read, this
data is sorted by partition. The partition is specified by Layer
and Stripe. Layer is in the range [0..11], Stripe is in [0..255].
layerNumber: TYPE = [0..39];
stripeNumber: TYPE = [0..255];
InitPartitions: PROCEDURE [FileName: Rope.ROPE];
This initializes the partition package. The file is the
new disk file to be used.
DestroyPartitions: PROCEDURE RETURNS [fileLength: INT];
This cleans up the partition package when its use is finished. It
closes and deletes the temporary file and releases all storage used.
SendObjectToPartition: PROCEDURE [
Stripe: stripeNumber, Layer: layerNumber, object: Basics.UnsafeBlock];
Stripe and Layer specify which partition is to be used.
ReadPartitionCreate: PROCEDURE [Stripe: stripeNumber, Layer: layerNumber]
This resets the position of the partition to the beginning of the partition
so that it can be read. It re-obtains the partition in READ mode. If
the partition was never created, it returns FALSE.
ReadObject: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ s: IO.STREAM, object: REF TEXT ];
Reads one object from a stream that was returned by ReadPartitionCreate. Finishes with ERROR IO.EndOfStream.