GraphDisplay.mesa, Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited:
Sweetsun Chen, November 25, 1985 10:59:10 pm PST
Graph USING [Entity, EntityList, GraphHandle, PaintAction, PaintInfo, PaintInfoRec, Text, ValueList, XY, Viewer],
GraphUtil USING [HandleNotNil, ReverseEntityList, ReverseValueList, ViewerNotNil],
Imager USING [Rectangle],
ViewerOps USING [PaintViewer];
IMPORTS GraphUtil, ViewerOps
EXPORTS GraphPrivate = {
OPEN Graph, GraphUtil;
This module deals with screen display (erase or paint).
All public proc's in the module call Print with proper PaintInfo, which in turn calls Draw in GraphDraw.
handle, handle.chart, and handle.chart.viewer should not be nil when any of these public paint procs are called.
PaintAll: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, clear, updateDivBds, clientOnly: BOOL] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[all PaintInfoRec ←
[data: all[clear: clear, updateDivBds: updateDivBds]]];
IF ViewerNotNil[chart.viewer] THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[
viewer: chart.viewer,
hint: IF clientOnly THEN client ELSE all,
clearClient: clear,
whatChanged: info
IF clear THEN {
chart.dirty ← FALSE;
zoomPt1 ← zoomPt2 ← [];
}; -- PaintAll
PaintAllCurves: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, clear: BOOL] = {
refresh the axes and anything inside the axes.
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN {
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[allCurves PaintInfoRec ←
[action: paint, output: screen, data: allCurves[clear: clear]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintAllCurves
PaintRect: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, rect: Imager.Rectangle, clear, updateDivBds: BOOL, action: PaintAction ← paint] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[rectangle PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen,
data: rectangle[clear: clear, updateDivBds: updateDivBds, rect: rect]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintRect
PaintText: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, text: Text, action: PaintAction ← paint] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] AND text # NIL THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[graphText PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen, data: graphText[text: text]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintText
PaintEntity: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, entity: Entity, withLegend: BOOL, action: PaintAction ← paint] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] AND entity # NIL THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[graphEntity PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen, data: graphEntity[entity: entity]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
IF withLegend THEN PaintLegend[handle, entity, action, TRUE];
}; -- PaintEntity
PaintLegend: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, start: Entity, action: PaintAction ← paint, onlyOne: BOOL] = {
Plot legends of entities (starting from start).
If start is nil, clean the place after the last legend entry.
If onlyOne, only the legend for the starting entity is plotted.
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[legend PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen, data: legend[entity: start, onlyOne: onlyOne]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintLegend
PaintTails: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, x1, x2: REAL, v1, v2: ValueList, entities: EntityList, action: PaintAction ← paint, reversed: BOOL ← TRUE] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] AND v1 # NIL AND v2 # NIL THEN { OPEN handle;
rV1, rV2: ValueList;
rEL: EntityList;
info: PaintInfo;
IF reversed THEN {
[rV1, ] ← GraphUtil.ReverseValueList[v1, FALSE];
[rV2, ] ← GraphUtil.ReverseValueList[v2, FALSE];
rEL ← GraphUtil.ReverseEntityList[entities, TRUE];
ELSE {rV1 ← v1; rV2 ← v2; rEL ← entities};
info ← NEW[tails PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen, data: tails[x1, x2, rV1, rV2, rEL]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintTails
PaintTarget: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, choice: XY, action: PaintAction ← paint] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[target PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen, data: target[xy: choice]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintTarget
PaintGrids: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, choice: XY, long: BOOL, action: PaintAction ← paint] = {
IF HandleNotNil[handle] THEN { OPEN handle;
info: PaintInfo ← NEW[grid PaintInfoRec ←
[action: action, output: screen, data: grid[xy: choice, long: long]]];
PaintClient[handle, info];
}; -- PaintGrids
PaintClient: PUBLIC PROC [handle: GraphHandle, info: PaintInfo] = { OPEN handle;
viewer: Viewer ← handle.chart.viewer;
IF ViewerNotNil[viewer] THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[
viewer: viewer,
hint: client,
clearClient: FALSE,
whatChanged: info
IF info.action = erase THEN handle.chart.dirty ← TRUE;
}; -- PaintClient
SChen, created at October 9, 1985 6:10:49 pm PDT