cMosBsimpleKey, cMosBcompleteKey:
cMosBsimple does the same thing SoS did; GenistaCMosBcomplete verifies all VTI rules eccept for wells and transistors, which are not in Core.
minWidth, maxWidth: ARRAY Layer OF Rule,
separation: ARRAY Layer OF REF ARRAY Layer OF Rule,
Via flatness rules:
viaOnFieldOxideAvoidsDiff, viaOnFieldOxideAvoidsPoly, fieldOxideSurroundsViaOnFieldOxide, diffSurroundsViaOnDiff, polySurroundsViaOnPoly: Rule,
In the following rules the extent is used only to determine the overlap of the error rectangle:
viaOnPolyAndDiff, viaSeparation, viaOverGate, viaOverPoly: Rule,
nWellSurround, pWellSurround, nWellContact, pWellContact, wellContactSpacing: Rule,
In the following rules the extent is used only to determine the overlap of the error rectangle:
wellConflict, NinN, PinP, isolatedWell: Rule,
Exception to gate rules:
diffCutToGate, largeDiffCutToGate: Rule,
Miscellaneous rules
difCutViaSpace, minPadSize: Rule];
PROC [key:
ATOM, rules: DesignRules.Rules]
RETURNS [tech: Drc.Tech];
Allocation of technology records. Fills the rule tables for a given set of design rules. Must be called before calling CheckDesignRules. The key must be one of those exported from a technology dependent part of Genista. Returns NIL if a key is invalid.