Command Summary
Centerselect objects to be centered, then CTRLSpace
Stop RepaintESC-LF
TicksPeriodSpacebar (.Spacebar)
Zoom OutTabSpace
Draw Text:
Draw TextT-middleMouse
Edit Satellites CR: no change; -(minus): delete expr; edit: retype entire expr
Satellites Menu LSpace Menu
Replace Text Y-Space Menu
Draw Wires:
Cut wire select wire, holding down \-rightMouse sweep across wire
Draw wiremiddleMouse
flip wire while drawing with middleMouse, hit spaceBar
90° bend in wire while drawing with middleMouse, hit shift
Stretch wire select wire, Tab down, draw additional segment with leftMouse
Import  X-Z-middleMouse
Manipulate Graphical Objects:
Copy shift down, draw vector with leftMouse to location of copy
Delete CTRL-D
MirrorT-leftMouse (x-axis); E-leftMouse (y-axis)
Move By A VectorCTRL down, draw vector with the leftMouse
Move IncrementallyCTRL-A: left; CTRL-W: up CTRL-S: right; CTRL-Z: down
Repetition select object to be repeated, then =-middleMouse
Rotate R-leftMouse
PrintH-middleMouse or execute NectarineSchematics in DATools SubDir
Extend SelectionrightMouse
Area Select leftMouse down, move mouse to sweep out rectangular box
Special Commands:
Search ObjectDSpace Menu, case-sensitive
Stop Cmd In ProgressDEL-ESC