Bland, June 30, 1988 11:01:45 am PDT
Lissy Bland: July 8, 1988 10:15:17 am PDT
An Introduction to the DATools:
Schematics, Extraction and Simulation During Your First Week in CSL
Lissy Bland
© Copyright 1987 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: This is an introduction to the design definition, simulation and layout tools available in CSL. The purpose is to give new members of the Design and Architecture Group a guided tour of the most central tools. The tour includes: ChipNDale, a graphical editor for VLSI layout and schematics, the Standard Cell Library, Extract (the layout and schematics extractor), Static (an electrical analyzer), Rosemary (a logic simulator), Thyme and SPICE (timing simulators), and the generation of layout by PatchWorkCore (PWCore).
Created by: Lissy Bland
Maintained by: Lissy Bland
Keywords: schematics, extraction, simulation, standard cells, design automation, ChipNDale, Sisyph, DATools, Rosemary, Thyme, Oracle, layout, VLSI, CMOSB
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
1.0 Introduction
This is an introduction to the design definition, simulation and layout tools available in CSL. Its purpose is to give new members Design and Architecture Group a guided tour of the most central tools. It does not intend to be comprehensive. When there are several ways to achieve the same result, one good way will be presented.
This document assumes a functional knowledge of the Cedar environment. You should get someone to give you a couple lessons or read enough from the following three documents to be able to get around in the Cedar world. (You'll get up to speed faster with private lessons.)
1. [Cedar]<Cedar7.0>Documentation>TiogaDoc.tioga
This explains how to to use the tioga text editor and get around tioga documents.
2. [Cedar]<CedarChest7.0>Documentation>Introduction.tioga
This is a kind-of operator's manual for acquiring and using Cedar.
3. [Cedar]<CedarChest7.0>Documentation>BriefingBlurb.tioga
This is a general introduction to the computing environment at PARC slanted towards the needs and interests of newcomers to the Computer Science Laboratory. It's aging but still quite helpful.
2.0 Getting Started
The very first time the DATools are started on a particular machine the following sequence of commands must be executed in a CommandTool:
cd ///users/yourSurname.pa/aSubdirectory/
Using a subdirectory is useful when changing versions. All the files in that subdirectory can be deleted without disturbing files in other directories.
Bringover -p /DATools/DATools7.0/Top/BringDATools.df
Using the -p switch retrieves only the public files.
Install DAUser
Executing the above sequence of commands takes a while. Go get a cup of coffee or read your mail. About mail, most users of the DATools find that they do not have enough GFI's (Global Frame Indices) to use the DATools and the Walnut mail system. Users that want to be able to read new mail throughout the day while using the DATools should probably run the no-frills mail system which is called Peanut. (c.f. [Cedar]<CedarChest7.0>Documentation>PeanutDoc.tioga.)
Watch your mail for changes to the DATools. You should re-execute BringDATools every time there is a significant change.
For more information about the bringDATools command see, [DATools]<DATools7.0>BringDATools>BringDAToolsDoc.tioga. See [DATools]<DATools7.0>DAUser>DAUserDoc.tioga for additional information about the DAUser subdirectory. This subdirectory is used for commands, programs and documentation that are at the crossroads of different tools.
2.1 Using this Document
The first three sections of this document present basic material about getting started, using the Standard Cell Library, and drawing schematics. Section 4.0 begins with a discussion of extraction, and introduces the most basic vocabulary of Core, the data structure used by all of the DATools to describe electrical circuits. In Section 4.2 a four-bit adder is drawn to demonstrate some of the more advanced features available for schematic entry. These first four sections should be read in numerical order. Sections 5.0 - 8.1 covering analysis, simulation and layout, can be read in any order without sacrificing coherence. The final page of this document is an Appendix that provides a summary of all the commands introduced. If you find yourself forgetting the keyboard commands, get it out.
3.0 Logic: The Standard Cell Library
The Logic Library is a set of icons representing the most common Small Scale Integrated (SSI) and Medium Scale Integrated (MSI) circuits, including simple gates, adders, mutiplexers, register files, etc. Each icon is associated with a behavioral model (a Rosemary simulation procedure) and at least one layout generation procedure, either through a standard cell representation or standard generator.
Information about timing and size is provided for every cell and macro. All cells have a fixed height of 104m. The width is a multiple of 10m which is called a track. Input loads are counted in standard loads (= 0.2pF) and output drives in standard drives (= drive of an inverter, i.e. a 2/20 n-device and a 2/50 p-device). All these numbers are subject to change. For more information about the Logic Library see: [DATools]<DATools7.0>CellLibraries>LogicDoc.tioga.
3.1 Navigating in the Logic Library
Open the Logic Library on your color screen by doing the following:
1. Select the Color Display button which is left-most button in the static column of your screen (top right corner). A pull-down menu will appear. Choose the 8 bit CMos-B entry.
2. In your DATools subdirectory, execute the command,
% cdread logic.dale
The Logic Library should appear on your color terminal. The Logic Library (or any .dale file) is like a large sheet of paper. The user can view the entire sheet of paper at once, move the piece of paper around on the screen by scrolling, or select individual objects on the paper and view them in more detail. The default behavior of the cdread command is to present the "sheet of paper" so that all its objects are visible.
In addition to the Logic Library on your color terminal, a Control Panel for the Logic Library with the banner, Logic CMosB top level, will appear in the right column of your black-and-white terminal. Here are five keyboard-mouse combinations that will allow you to see things and get around:
First, a word of warning to left-handed-mouse users: ChipNDale, the graphical editor for VLSI layout and schematics, is very finely tuned for right-handed-mousers. Consequently, these instructions specify the left hand for the keyboard and the right hand for the mouse. Try it that way, some of the chording combinations are really difficult to reverse.
1. Centering selected objects (CtrlSpace)
LeftClick on one of the white rectangular boxes. Note that the terminal viewer on the right-hand column of your screen has told you what you have selected. Now center that selection on your screen by pressing the CTRL key and the space bar at the same time (CtrlSpace).
2. Zooming out (TabSpace)
Zoom out to the original magnification by pressing the tab and space keys at the same time (TabSpace).
3. Finding things in a large space: Search Object (DSpace, a case-sensitive search)
To list the contents of Logic, call up the Directory Menu by pressing the D key and the space bar at the same time (DSpace). Choose the second option, list directory. The Directory of Logic will appear on your screen. Now select the Search Object entry. Look over to the terminal viewer. You are being prompted for a cell name. Find the nand3.icon in the Directory of Logic; shift-select it, then hit the carriage return (Return). The nand3.icon is selected and fills the screen.
Note the use of mnemonics in selecting the letters for menus: D stands for Directory. Menus are generally invoked by pressing a letter and either the spacebar (Space) or the middleMouseButton (Middle).
Most of the time, it is possible to get additional documentation explaining either:
1) what the entries in a menu mean, or
2) a keyboard equivalent for the menu item
by moving the mouse above the above the titleBar of the pop-up menu and then moving it back into the menu item area. Try it on the Cell Menu (CSpace).  
4. Changing Magnification <>
To get a view of something besides the nand3.icon, find the < and > keys. The looks of these keys express their functions. The < key makes objects bigger. The > makes objects smaller. Hit the > key 5 times. You should now see most of the released section of Logic .
Icons in the released box are public. The name, size and shape of the icon, the position of the pins, and their general semantics are fairly stable. Any changes to these icons will be done with profuse apologies and a lot of advance notice. These are the icons to use for standard cell layouts.
5. Scrolling (SpaceMiddle)
Center the word Released at the top of your screen by executing SpaceMiddle. SpaceMiddle must be executed in exactly the following order:
1. Left hand on spacebar
2. Right hand on middleMouseButton
3. Move the mouse to draw a vector from your current position to the new position desired. In this example, this means you should draw vector from the word Released to just below the word CMosB in the terminal banner.
4. Take your right hand off the middleMouseButton.
5. Take your left hand off the spacebar.
The released section of the Logic Library should now be centered on your screen. To make the entire released section visible hit > one more time.
Note: Many users may find scrolling hard because the wrong timing of the left and right hands produces either stray wires or no action.
1. If Middle proceeds Space, Middle draws a wire and Space flips its orientation.
2. If Space proceeds Middle, but the left hand is taken off Space before the right hand comes off Middle, nothing happens.
The 5 keyboard combinations listed above should be enough to navigate in Logic . At this point it is probably a good idea to practice a little. Move around. Push into and Pop out of a few of the other icons listed in the Directory.
Additional information about using ChipNDale can be found in the following documentation:
1. [DATools]<DATools7.0>CDDoc25>ChipNDaleDoc.tioga
This is the comprehensive reference guide for ChipNDale, the graphical editor for VLSI layout and schematics that you have been exercising.
2. [DATools]<DATools7.0>CDDoc25>ChipNDaleIntroduction.tioga
This is an introduction to ChipNDale to be used in the first hour of interactive usage.
3. [DATools]<DATools7.0>CDDoc25>CDCrib.tioga
This is a 4-page crib sheet that experienced users of ChipNDale find very handy.
All of this documentation is listed in [DATools]<DATools7.0>Top>CDDoc25.df. Get in the habit of opening the df file pertaining to the package of interest. It's the most convenient way to find all the files on a particular subject.
3.1.1 Printing
Nectarine creates Interpress masters from schematics and layout. Interpress masters can be printed on black-and-white and color print servers or stuffed into tioga documents. Execute the command, NectarineSchematics in your DATools subdirectory. A new Nectarine line will appear at the bottom of each ChipNDale Control Panel. To print the entire Logic Library on Sleepy, the color Versatic printer, click on top of the Where button until it says ColorVersatec. (Note: The What buttons flips through the options the same way. The Copies button can be edited.) Now click the Nectarine button. Nectarine creates an Interpress master and, if the selected printer cannot interpret the Interpress file format, Nectarine also creates a printer-dependent (.pd) version of the specified design. The default filename for these files is []<>Temp>Nectarine>fileName.fileType. After creating the required file or files, Nectarine sends it to the print server specified. Sleepy has a very short queue for print jobs. If Sleepy times out before it accepts file, you can try again later by executing the Chat command. For more complete information on printing see [DATools]<DATools7.0>Nectarine>NectarineDoc.tioga which is quite complete and doesn't need to be repeated here.
A second printing facility is available through the Hard Copy menu of ChipNDale. This menu is accessed by the pressing the H key and the MiddeMouseButton at the same time (HMiddle). After selecting type of file desired from the first HMiddle menu, a series of additional pop-up menus further refine the file specification. The HMiddle printing facility is preferable for very large chips. You might try both facilities to see which one you prefer.
3.2 Creating a New Design Using Standard Cells
Our first project will be to recreate the schematic for the oneBitAdder that is included in Logic using standard cells. Find the oneBitAdder.sch included in Logic using the search object entry from the DSpace menu.
Create a new viewer for a design by executing the command, cdNewCmosB in your DATools Subdirectory. This should create a new, ChipNDale Viewer and a Control Panel for that ChipNDale Viewer. The Control Panel appears in the right-hand column of your black-and-white terminal. If the ChipNDale Viewer appears on your black-and-white terminal, move it to the color display by selecting the color button in its banner (and add a userProfile option which says: ChipNDale.FirstViewerOnColor: TRUE.)
There are two mechanisms for using objects from the Standard Cell Libraries to create new designs. Include actually copies the designated object from the Standard Cell Library into the new design. Import establishes a reference between an object in the new design and its referent in the cell library. In general, the second method is preferable because changes made to the referent are propagated to objects in the referencing design. In this example, we will import objects from Logic.
Before we can do the import, you need to know one more thing: ChipNDale distinguishes between design names and file names. A Design is the object created by the user. It may represent one or many circuits. A design is in a particular technology for example, CMos-B or NMos and consists of some geometry and a Directory. A File is the storage unit for a design.
Now, back to our first project. To make things easier, first import the oneBitAdder to be copied by executing the following sequence of commands:
1. Left-click the mouse in the new, ChipNDale Viewer. In ChipNDale terminology, this is called placing the input focus.
2.  Now hold down the X, Z, and middleMouseButton at the same time (X-Z-Middle). Look over to the Terminal Viewer it has printed out the command you have executed: "draw object of imported design." It is prompting for a "DESIGN name." Enter the name of the name design, Logic (the capital L is mandatory).
 Now look back to your ChipNDale Viewer. A pop-up menu is prompting for the name of the file that contains the Logic design. In this case the filename and design name are the same. Select the Logic entry that ChipNDale has provided.
 Look back to the Terminal Viewer it is now asking for the name of the object from Logic that you want to import. Type in its name, oneBitAdder.sch.
 Note: These interactions are case-sensitive so, when it is possible, it is safest to copy names out of the Directory of Logic.
To recreate the oneBitAdder, five gates must be imported: nand2.icon, nand3.icon, nor2.icon, nor3.icon, and nor4.icon. Since Logic has been established as the file from which cells are being imported, it is only necessary to do the following:
1. Position the mouse so that input focus is about where you want the import to land.
2. X-Z-Middle at that position.
3. Select Logic as the Design for imports.
4. In response to the Terminal Viewer prompt, type the name of the object to be imported, or better yet, shift-select the name from the Directory of Logic.

Note: Gates are imported to the position of the mouse when the X-Z-Middle command is executed. After importing the five gates, your no name viewer should look like this:
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 1: The screen after having imported the oneBitAdder and the five logic gates.
It's time to save your work. The IO menu is used for saving designs to a file. Invoke it with ISpace. Select the output option. This first time you will be prompted for a file name. Type in adderExample.dale then hit the return key (Return). From now on, unless you want to change filenames, use the save entry to write your work to a file. Close the Logic Library to give your adderExample the whole screen.
Here are some additional commands to complete the oneBitAdder:
1. Get comfortable by selecting everything, centering and increasing the magnification
To select everything hold down the space bar and the rightMouseButton at the same time (SpaceRight). Center your selection (CTRLSpace). Increase the magnification (<). Scroll your design to the right so that all the gates for the new oneBitAdder are visible (SpaceMiddle).
2. Moving individual objects
By a Vector:
Left hand on control. Holding the right hand down on the leftMouseButton select the object you want to move, then move the mouse in the desired direction. A vector will indicate the extent of the move. Take your right hand off the mouse when the vector looks right.
By an Incremental step:
The control key and the A, W, S, and Z keys are used together to move objects in incremental steps as follows:
ControlA = left
ControlW = up
ControlS = right
ControlZ = down
Look at the keyboard; this makes visual sense.
3. Copying
Make two more copies of the nand2.icon by doing the following:
Left hand on shift. Holding the right hand down on the leftMouseButton select the object you want to copy, then move the mouse to the point where the copy should appear. Take your right hand off the mouse. You should have another copy of nand2.icon. If it's not positioned quite right, use the incremental move command to scoot it around.
Now make another copy of nand2.icon and two copies of nor2.icon. Your screen should look like this:
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 2: The color screen
Save again (ISpace). This is the last reminder about saving often.
4. Deleting (CTRL-D)
To delete an object, first select it then (leftClick) and then hit the control key followed by the d key (CTRL-D).
As objects are created they are added to the Directory of the design; however, when an object is deleted it is not removed from the design's Directory. To get unwanted objects out of the Directory, they must be deleted explicitly using the prune complete dir entry on the Directory (DSpace) menu. This process is not commutative. Objects must be deleted from the screen before they can be deleted from the Directory.
5. Un-Deleting (ESC-D)
To restore an object that was deleted by mistake, hit the escape key followed by the d key (ESC-D).
6. Stopping a command while it is in progress (DEL)
Here's the scenario: while your left hand is on the spacebar you press the middleMouseButton instead of the leftMouseButton, thus drawing a wire instead of scrolling the screen. You can negate the action in progress by keeping your left hand on the space bar and hitting the DEL key. Try it.
7. Searching the Directory of a file using the PATTERN feature (a case-insensitive search)
The default behavior of the list directory entry is to list all items in the Directory that match the wildcard designator, * (an asterisk). The search can be refined by filling in the pattern field of the Control Panel for that file. The pattern entered can contain multiple wildcards. After filling in the pattern field, select the list directory entry from the DSpace Menu. The items that match the pattern specified will be printed in the Terminal Viewer. This pattern-matching facility is case-insensitive.
8. Ticks (periodSpace)
Call up the ticks menu by pressing the period key and the spacebar (periodSpace). (Note that periods look like ticks.) Select the four entry from the menu. If you think it will be easier to draw wires with ticks on, leave the ticks on. Otherwise turn them off.
3.2.1 Drawing wires
For schematics, wires are drawn in black using a width of 4/8, that is 1/2 l. (The reason that the Control Panel says 4/8, not 1/2 l, is to make it explicit the fact that l can be subdivided into 8ths.) Look at the Control Panel for the adderExample. The top-left entry gives the current layer. If the current layer is not black, find the black button in the next row and middleClick on it. The current layer should now be black.
To draw a wire, hold down the middleMouseButton as you move the mouse. To draw a continuous wire that incorporates 90° angles, hit the spacebar as you move the mouse in a new direction. Try drawing some wires that bend. Try a square.
3.2.2 Connected vs crossing wires
When selected wires are shown at a very high level of magnification, they appear outlined in white, as Figure 3 illustrates. By selecting a wire segment and extending that selection to other wire segments, it is possible to determine exactly how a wire is composed.
Try the following introductory exercise:
Push into the oneBitAdder (push in picture, CSpace). Center the top left nand gate on your screen. Increase the magnification until the A, B, C inputs and top four gates of the oneBitAdder fill the screen. Select (leftClick) the vertical portion of the A wire. The vertical portion of A should now be outlined in white. Extend the selection to the horizontal portion of the A wire by clicking the rightMouseButton (rightClick). Both sections of the A wire are now outlined in white. Note that the outlined horizontal portion of the wire includes the vertical portion as Figure 3 illustrates. Using the shift to create 90° angles in wires results in this configuration.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 3: A continuous wire that was drawn using shift key to create a 90° angle. The white outline indicates that both sections of the wire are selected.
3.2.3 Connected vs crossing wires: The Rules
1. Two wires that are colinear and whose endpoints abut or overlap are connected. Figure 4a illustrates two wires whose endpoints abut. Figure 4b illustrates colinear wire segments that overlap. In both cases a connection exists.
2. Two wires that almost touch are not connected (Figure 4c).
3. Wires that cross without an explicit contact at their point of intersection are not connected (Figure 4d).
4. Crossing wires with a contact at their point of intersection are connected (Figure 4e). There is a contact in the released portion Logic. Its name is ct.icon.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 4: Crossing and connected wires. All of the wire segments are selected to illustrate the internal structure of the wires.
In Figure 4f the vertical wire and the left-hand horizontal wires are connected. The right-hand horizontal portion is not connected.
Figure 5 illustrates one difficulty that can arise when drawing wires. In 5a, the input wire to the inverter was drawn in two short segments instead of one long segment. This in itself presents no problem, because the two wire segments touch, they are considered connected. And unless the wires are selected, the designer will undoubtedly forget that A was drawn as two segements instead of one. But suppose at a later time, a second wire, B is drawn which is supposed to cross A without intersecting it. Unfortunately, B happens to cross A just where one of the two segments of A ends. A and B are now shorted together. Moral: always draw wires using long strokes. Check your drawings for unintended short wire segments. A stretch wire command is available to stretch wires that are not quite long enough:
Stretch Wire:
Select the end of the wire that needs to be stretched, then hold down the Tab key as you draw the additional wire segment. Try it.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 5: Unintentional shorting of two wires.
Always draw at a high level of magnification. In this example, an appropriate level of magnification will force the oneBitAdder you are copying out of view. There is a copy of it in Figure 1 above. To find it, first split this viewer then search the word, Figure 1. The oneBitAdder should be visible.
To draw the wires in the oneBitAdder, first draw the long "L" portion of the A wire from the top left corner to the bottom nor3.icon, using the shift key to create the 90° angle. Then draw the horizontal portions of A. Continue in this fashion for the B, C and internal wires. Extend the length of the output wires from the nand3 and nor4 icons.
3.2.4 Attaching names: Satellites and Expressions
Satellites provide a way to associate arbitrary textual information including names and expressions with ChipNDale entities. There are two kinds of satellites:
A. Instance Satellites: An instance satellite is a Chipndale text instance that has been associated explicitly with another graphical Chipndale instance called the satellite's master; a master along with its satellites is called an instance group.
B. Object Satellites: An object satellite is a text instance that has been associated with the containing cell or design.
Both instance and object satellites can be made comments in the programming sense of that word. Comment satellites are used when a piece information should be included in a design, but this information should not be interpreted by programs that analyze the design. Comments remember their masters.
Expressions also come in the instance and object varieties. The only difference between Satellites and Expressions is that Satellites are visible and Expressions are not. Expressions are provided for those occasions where placing satellites would clutter up the entity upon which they are being placed. Expressions are generally used on icons. To illustrate this point, push into one of the NOR or NAND icons and select its top input wire. Call up the Satellites Menu (LSpace). Select the Show Instance Expressions entry. The Terminal Viewer should say, "name ← "I-A"." Attaching names: Satellites and Expressions: The Tricky Part
Satellites and Expressions are not added to ChipNDale instances in a uniform way. Here are the rules:
1. Object satellites are added/accessed pushed into the cell.
2. Instance satellites are added/accessed with the cell selected.
3.  Object expressions are added/accessed with the cell selected.
4. Instance expressions are added/accessed with the cell selected.
The easy way to remember this is to remember that object satellites are the exception, you must be pushed into the cell to add them. The others are added with the cell selected. Adding names to the oneBitAdder
Because the names associated with the input and output wires in the oneBitAdder should be visible, they will be stored as satellites. Select the wire that is called A in the oneBitAdder. Call up the Satellites Menu (LSpace). Select the draw instance satellite entry. The Terminal Viewer will prompt for a text string. Type in the appropriate text string (CR). The text string should appear about where you want it. Select it, then scoot it around using the Incremental Move command. Name the three input and two output wires for the oneBitAdder.
In the terminology of Core, the five wires that have just been named are public wires. These are the wires that connect to other cells. They are at the interface of the oneBitAdder. Wires that are not at the interface of a cell are called private.
3.2.5 Editing: Satellites and Expressions
To edit instance and object satellites do the following:
1. Select the instance/object.
2. Call up the text operations menu (YSpace) and select the first entry, replace selected texts. Answer the Terminal Viewer prompt with the new text string.
To edit instance and object expressions do the following:
1. Call up the Satellites Menu (LSpace) and select the Edit Instance/Object Expressions entry.
2. The Terminal Viewer will display all of the expressions in order and prompt for a new expression.
3. To edit a particular expression, simply type the new version in response to the system prompt.
4. If you do not want to edit a particular expression, hit the DEL key.
5. If you want to delete a particular expression hit the - (minus) key.
3.2.6 Creating Cells
Cells associate entities and give that association a name. A cell is created by drawing its bounding box and using the Cell-Menu to create and label the association. To make the oneBitAdder a cell, it must be selected. This selection is done with an Area Select.
1. Area Select
Area Select is accomplished by holding down the leftMouseButton and moving the mouse to sweep out the rectangular area to be included in the cell. The rectangular area selected can be larger than the area to be included in the cell because ChipNDale computes the precise bounding box of the cell from the selected objects. However, the wires on each side of the bounding box must be exactly the same length. If they are not, only the longest wire on each side will become a public wire. Similarly, any wire that exceeds the limits of the bounding box drawn will not be included in the cell. These facts force the designer to be meticulous about the length of public wires. There are many ways to deal with this hassle. The simplest approach is to:
1. Draw all wires on a side longer than they need to be.
2. Select all the wires using extend select command.
3. Cut the wires to the same length using the cut command: With the | key down, hold the rightMouseButton down and move across the wires to be cut in exactly a horizontal or vertical motion. This action will produce a cut mark in each of the wires. Now select and delete the unwanted portion of each wire. Figure 5a demonstrates this technique. Figure 6 shows bounding box computed by ChipNDale for the oneBitAdder.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 5a: A vertical cut line has divided each of the wires into two sections. The righthand portion of each wire should be deleted to create three wires with the same y-coordinate for the right edge.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 6: The precise bounding box of a cell is computed by ChipNDale. The public wires on each side of the bounding box must be of exactly the same length.
To make the oneBitAdder into a cell, call up the Cell Menu (CSpace). Select the create cell entry. The Terminal Viewer is prompting for a name. Enter the name, "oneBitAdder" (CR).
The cell just defined is a ChipNDale object. Because an object has been defined, it is possible to attach satellites to it. While pushed into the oneBitAdder, call up the LSpace menu and select the draw object satellite entry. Give the cell a name by typing in the name, oneBitAdder, in response to the Terminal Viewer's prompt. The cell name, oneBitAdder, will now appear inside your cell. Make that name a comment by selecting it and executing CTRL-\. Pop out. ChipNDale provides several options when popping out of a cell: To store the changes made, select the replace entry in the pop-up menu that appears. The flush entry throws out changes. The new cell entry is used when the current cell is a modification of an earlier cell that should remain unchanged; if the replace option had been selected, changes made to the new cell would be propagated to all other copies of that cell.
3.3 The World Through ChipNDale's Eyes
By this time many of you are wondering what the underlying model for ChipNDale is. Here is a brief description.
ChipNDale has two basic types: Instances and Objects. An Instance is an Object with coordinates and rotation. Objects include: rectangles, imports, text, repetitions, transistors, and most importantly, the cell, which is a collection of instances. Objects may be atomic or composite. Atomic Objects, of themselves, cannot be transformed into cells. Composite Objects may be transformed into cells. For example, an Instance that is a repetition can be transformed into an Instance that is a cell by invoking the Create Cell command.
A third ChipNDale type is the Design. Like a cell, a Design is a collection of instances. Unlike a cell the Design has a Directory. The Directory is an association between Names and Objects. An Object is an abstract model; only Instances of an Object are created and manipulated on the screen. When all Instances of a named Object are deleted from a Design, the Object's name is still in the Directory. (The Directory's pointer to the name of the Object prevents it from being garbage collected.) To rid the Directory of obsolete Objects, use the Prune Directory command on the DSpace Menu.
4.0 Extraction
Sisyph is a schematics extractor that produces a structural description of a circuit from schematics drawn in ChipNDale. Sisyph processes the geometry contained in ChipNDale and uses this geometrical information to define the connectivity of the circuit. The circuit description that Sisyph creates is called Core. Core exists in main memory. This Core structural description does not actually include geometrical from ChipNDale; instead, it includes pointers to that geometrical information in its property list.
4.1 Sisyph: Extract
To extract the oneBitAdder call up the OSpace menu and select the Sisyph: Extract entry. The results of the extraction will be printed in the Terminal Viewer.
4.1.1 Sisyph Some Important Terms from the Extraction
The Sisyph extraction has created a oneBitAdder CellType from the oneBitAdder schematic. The Public wire sequence of the oneBitAdder CellType contains the seven elements: A, B, C, Cout, Sum, Vdd and Gnd. The Internal wire sequence of the oneBitAdder includes all of its public and private wires; it contains fourteen wires. The nine logic gates that make up the oneBitAdder are CellInstances in the Core data structure. These CellInstances are contained in a RecordCellType which is a sequence of CellInstances. Each of the nine CellInstances has an Actual wire sequence. The Actual wire sequence of the individual gates points into the Internal wire sequence of the oneBitAdder. For example, the output, X, corresponds to Cout in the internal wire sequence. It is by enumerating the actual wire sequence of each CellInstance that all the connections in the oneBitAdder become known. For more information about the Core data structure, see, [DATools]<DATools7.0>Core>CoreDescription.tioga.
4.2 Sisyph: Icons
An icon is a schematic that represents another schematic. Its purpose is to simplify the pictorial representation of the schematic being represented. The looks of many icons have meaning for designers. For example, a triangle with a bubble on its output is universally recognized as an icon for an inverter. The same inverter might be represented by a stick diagram with a pull-up and a pull-down transistors. As circuit diagrams become more complex, icons are used to represent more complex circuit components, thus maintaining readability.
Icons can be associated with schematics that have actually been drawn as well as fictitious schematics whose Core structural descriptions are computed directly by the code attached to the icon. This attachment of code to icons is part of a general mechanism that permits arbitrary CEDAR expressions to be attached to geometric objects to control their extraction.
To create a fourBitAdder from the oneBitAdder, the oneBitAdder should first be represented as an icon.
Call up the OSpace menu, and select the Sisyph: Icons, entry. In the second pop-up menu that appears select the first entry, Create icons from schematic. Sisyph will extract the schematic and return a vanilla icon. The looks of this icon can be altered. Move the carry-in to the left side of the rectangle, the carry-out to the right, and the sum to the bottom by using the rotate (and move) commands. Here's rotate:
1. Rotate
Select the object to be rotated. Hold down the R key and click the leftMouseButton (R-leftMouse; R stands for rotate).
In this icon, as in the original schematic, wire names are attached to wires as instance satellites. So if you accidentally delete a wire name you must reattach it as a satellite.
To demonstrate that the oneBitAdder icon has been associated with the correct schematic, first select it then call up the Cell (CSpace) Menu. Select the push in schematic entry. You should be pushed into the oneBitAdder schematic.
2. Repetition
A repetition places a set of objects at regular intervals along a drawn vector a specified number of times. Groups of objects and repetitions themselves can be used as the basis for repetitions. The repetition feature is used to create uniform structures quickly and easily. Experienced designers generally use the repetition feature to draw 5 or more copies of an object and choose the copy command for fewer copies. The repetitions will be used here to illustrate its utility.
To make 3 additional copies of the oneBitAdder icon do the following:
1. Select the oneBitAdder icon.
2. Hold down the "=" key and draw a vector from the top left-corner of the adder icon to a point comfortably beyond the top-right corner, as Figure 7a illustrates.
3. Answer the Terminal Viewer prompt for the number of repetitions you want, "4" (CR). ChipNDale creates a new cell which contains the four instances of the oneBitAdder icon. Logically, these four oneBitAdders are at the same descriptive level. The gray rectangle enclosing the four instances in Figure 7b indicates this. Any additions would be at the next higher level of the cell hierarchy; however, the connections between the carry bits of the individual should be at the same level of the hierarchy as the adder icons. To flatten the hierarchy, push into the cell and select the expand option. This flattens the cell, leaving four instances of the original oneBitAdder icon. (See Figure 7c.)
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 7a: Draw a vector that specifies the spacing between objects of a repetition.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 7b: A new fourBitAdder cell. All four of the adder icons are contained in one rectangle.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 7c: The expanded fourBitAdder -- four copies of the oneBitAdder with no additional hierarchical semantics.
Connect the carry bits. Name the low-order carry by selecting it, calling the Satellites Menu (LSpace), and choosing the draw instance satellites entry (I-Middle) to attach the name CIN.
To draw the A inputs as a 4-bit bus, first draw the long horizontal portion of the wire, then call up the Programs on Rectangles menu with PMiddleMouseButton (PMiddle). Select the PatchWork generator entry. In the next menu select the Parameterized Bus. The Terminal Viewer is prompting for the size of the parameterized bus. Answer 4 (CR). To extract the low order wire from the bus, call up the PMiddle menu again and select the PatchWork generator entry. Then select the Parameterized Extractor entry. Follow the Cedar and Dragon conventions for numbering bits by answering the Terminal Viewer prompt, "Parametrized index of the extracted wire?" with the number 3. Answer the next Terminal Viewer prompt, "Size of the parametrized bus?", with the number 4. Place the 4/3 icon and connect it to the A input of the first icon. In drawing the connection make sure the connecting wire does not short to the 4-bit bus. Figure 8a illustrates a proper connection. Figure 8b illustrates a wire that is shorted to the bus.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 8a: Input A is correctly extracted from the bus.
c [Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 8b: Input A is shorted to the bus.
Icons produced by the PatchWork generator can be copied but NEVER edit them. They are full of magic and guaranteed not to work if they are not produced by the PatchWork generator. Finish drawing the A bus using the Patchwork generator to create icons for the 4/2, 4/1 and 4/0 extractions. The icons created for the A bus can be copied for B. Name both busses by attaching instance satellites.
2. Mirroring - E-leftMouse (mirror about y-axis); T-leftMouse (mirror about x-axis)
To create the extractions for the Sum, it is necessary to mirror the icons used for A and B. Look at Figures 9a and 9b to convince yourself of this. Name the 4-bit sum, SUM.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figures 9a and 9b: Figure 8a should be used for the A and B inputs. Figure 9b should be used for the Sum.
To mirror each icon, first select it, then hold down the leftMouse and E key (E-leftMouse). The leftMouse must go down slightly before the E. Now finish drawing the sum line. (Patchwork is smart enough to figure out that the Sum wire is a bus of size 4 without explicitly adding this information.) To mirror about the X-axis do T-leftMouse. Note the visual aid inherent in the choice of the letters E and T for mirroring: E, which is for mirroring about the y-axis, is symmetrical about the y-axis. T, which is for mirroring about the x-axis, is symmetrical about the x-axis.
Name the public wires by attaching instance satellites to them. To make the fourBitAdder into a cell, draw its bounding box and select the create cell entry from the Cell Menu (CSpace). Name the cell fourBitAdder. To add two object satellites to the fourBitAdder, push into it then call up the Satellites Menu (LSpace). Select the draw object satellite entry (O-Middle) and enter the cell name as a satellite <CR>. Then make it a comment, (Control\). Pop out, selecting the replace option. Your fourBitAdder should look like this:
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 10: The completed fourBitAdder.
To create a fourBitAdder CellType, call up the OSpace menu and select the Sisyph: extract entry. The fourBitAdder CellType contains four CellInstances of the oneBitAdder CellType. Note that the public wire contains 5 elements: Vdd, Gnd, A, B, and Sum. A, B, and Sum are, in turn, composed of 4 elements. Each CellInstance has an actual wire sequence that points into the internal wire sequence of the fourBitAdder CellType. The actual wire of each oneBitAdder CellInstance specifies to which of the four elements of the structured wires it is connected. Figure 11, below, shows all the connections for the public, internal and actual wire sequences for the second CellInstance of the fourBitAdder.
artworkFigure [Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 11: A magnified view of the second CellInstance of the fourBitAdder showing all the connections for the public, internal and actual wire sequences.
5.0 Sisyph Extract and Static
Static is a static electrical analyzer that detects logical errors in a schematic. The errors are printed in the Terminal Viewer. For example, Static would flag a node that can never be set to 0 or 1, a degraded input that is used to control a pass transistor, or a node with only one electrical connection. See [DATools]<DATools7.0>Static>StaticDoc.tioga for a little more information on what Static does.
To demonstrate that Static works, delete a bit of the Cout wire so that it no longer touches the edge of the oneBitAdder's bounding box. Now select the Static entry from the FSpace menu. Note that the Terminal Viewer prints the message, "Cout in cell oneBitAdder has only one connection."
6.0 Sisyph and Rosemary
Rosemary simulates the behavior of integrated circuits. It performs a cycle by cycle simulation of a circuit and determines the value, either 0 or 1, for each input and output at each clock cycle. Rosemary performs no analysis of timing. For example, it does not consider the propagation time of the basic logic gates. Its focus is circuit logic. Timing issues are covered by two other simulators, Thyme and Spice. A third tool, Mint, performs both simulation and analysis.
The user must provide Rosemary with a test procedure. For simple cells, the test procedure takes the form of clocks specifying wave forms attached to each input wire. For complex circuits, the test procedure is a Cedar Program. For circuits where a reasonably small number of test vectors are needed to verify correct functioning, a file containing test vectors can be supplied to Rosemary by using the Oracle.
In addition to a test procedure which the user must provide, the user may provide models for abstract blocks that are connected to the CellType that is being simulated: A state initialization procedure may be written to allocate state storage of abstract blocks. And, evaluation procedures may be written to model behavior.
6.1 Rosemary: Simulating the OneBitAdder Using RoseClocks
The oneBitAdder will be used to illustrate the creation of a test procedure from roseClocks. (Refer to Figure 12 to see what things should look like.) Do the following:
1. Copy the oneBitAdder.
2. Import roseClock.icon from Logic.
3. Connect a roseClock to each input wire.
4. Change the wave form of the A input by:
a. selecting it
b. selecting the draw instance satellites entry from the Satellites Menu (I-Middle)
c. adding the two separate expressions "up𡤄" and "dn𡤄"
5. Change the wave form of the B input in an analogous fashion, but say "up𡤂" and "dn𡤂".
6. Create a new cell, adder.sim, whose bounding box includes the rose clocks.
7. Select the Extract and Rosemary entry from the OSpace menu.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 12: Adder.sim: roseClocks are attached to each input wire.
Rosemary produces 3 new viewers: The first viewer is a ToolChest for the test. The second is a typescript used to communicate with Rosemary. The third plots the wave forms of specified atomic wires. This viewer appears in iconic form as an oscilloscope.
To see that Sisyph has correctly extracted the cell, type a lower case c, for CellType, in the Rosemary Script viewer. Rosemary will type out the core structural description of the CellType at the highest level of the CellType hierarchy. (All commands default to the highest level CellType.) Note that the new adder.sim CellType contains three CellInstances of the ClockGen CellType and one CellInstance of the adder CellType.
Now start the test by selecting the Start Test button in the ToolChest viewer. Select Interrupt to stop the test. Note that the values for Sum and Cout are being displayed. To see the wave forms for Sum and Cout open the oscilloscope icon. Proceed will continue the test. Abort ends it. Now try the Single Eval button in the adder.sim viewer.
The Rosemary Typescript:
The typescript viewer was originally designed for communication with Rosemary; however, the two of the most heavily used typescript commands, the value and add commands, have been superseded by interactive equivalents. Here are several of the most important commands:
1. Value (V-leftClick)
Value prints the current value of the selected wire in the Terminal Viewer. To determine the value of a given wire, hold down the v key then select the wire whose value you want to know. If the v key is kept depressed, it is possible to continue selecting wires and have their values printed in the Terminal Viewer.
2. Add (OSpace Menu, Schematic Simulation Add To Plot)
Add adds the selected wire to the to the wires displayed in the plot viewer. First select the wire you want to add, then select the Schematic Simulation Add To Plot entry from the OSpace menu. This command can also be used to add the clock to the oscilloscope tracing of wires: Select the wire that connects the clock to the Oracle then select the Schematic Simulation Add To Plot entry from the OSpace menu.
3. Trace (no interactive equivalent)
The trace command gives all the connections for a given wire. This command is particularly useful the designer suspects that the value of a wire has gone to X because one wire that it connected to is high and another is low. The trace command is executed by typing "t wireName", for example:
t /2(fourBitAdderLayout)/0(fourBitAdder)/0(oneBitAdder)*1.[11].
To learn about the other typescript commands see: [DATools]<DATools7.0>Rosemary>RosemaryDoc.tioga.
The Rosemary Oscilloscope:
1. Deleting wires from the graph
A wire can be deleted by selecting it with leftMouse and then holding down Control and leftMouse together.
2. Viewing a specific portion of the simulation in greater detail
Move the mouse to the bottom of the oscilloscope viewer. A scrollbar will appear. Scroll the section of the graph to be viewed in greater detail to the extreme left of the viewer. RightMouse at the extreme left of the viewer. Two vertical bars will appear that delineate the area to be viewed in greater detail. With rightMouse still down move that section of the graph to center screen. Now select the MagOff button. The specified area will fill the viewer. Pressing the MagOff button again reverses this affect.
3. Changing the size of the graph in X or Y direction
LeftMousing the sizeX or sizeY buttons will magnify the graph in the X or Y direction, respectively. RightMousing these buttons decreases the graph size in an analogous manner.
The Rosemary ToolChest:
If the Log button of the ToolChest viewer is selected, (appearing with a black background and white letters), each assignment that is made at each clock cycle will be recorded in the Rosemary Script viewer. Logging slows the speed of the simulation, but is quite useful for bebugging.
6.2 Rosemary: Using the Oracle To Provide Test Vectors
For circuits where a reasonably small number of test vectors are needed to verify correct functioning, the Oracle may be used to provide test vectors to Rosemary. The Oracle has three required parameters, an input bus (in), an output bus (out), and the name of the file containing test vectors (id). The Oracle's default behavior is to stop the first time it finds an error; however, if a fourth optional parameter (log) is used, the Oracle records errors and continues.
The fourBitAdder will be to illustrate the use of the Oracle. Do the following:
1.  Create an icon to represent the fourBitAdder (Sisyph: make icons). Name it 4BitAdder.
2.  Import oracle.icon and roseClock.icon from Logic.
3.  Connect the inputs and outputs of 4BitAdder to the Oracle's input and output busses. To do this, think of things from the Oracle's point of view: the circuit's inputs (A, B and CIN) are the Oracle's outputs; that is the Oracle drives its outputs and compares them to its inputs (Cout and SUM). Because the Oracle accepts only 1 input and 1 output bus, the inputs and outputs of the Oracle are defined as composite wires, and the multiple inputs and outputs of the circuit are combined into a single input and a single output bus using composers. Note that a composer must be used even in the degenerate case, when there is only one input or output. (The fat notch on the one-bit composer is for the input to the composer.)
 Using Figure 13 as a model, get a composer of size 3 by calling the PatchWork Generator (PMiddleMouseButton). The thicker stub on the composer marks the 0th wire. Put the 0th wire on the bottom by rotating and mirroring the composers. Connect A, B, and CIN to the left side of the Oracle (the output side). Get a composer of size 2 and connect Cout and SUM to connect the right side of the Oracle (the input side). Connect a roseClock.icon to the bottom of the Oracle.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 13: Using the Oracle to provide test vectors to Rosemary.
4. Now create a file of test vectors. Test vectors are written in hex. There's a column for each input and output. Inputs and ouputs are separated by a vertical bar. A period at the end of the test file will cause the test vectors to be run 1 time. Without a period, the simulation will cycle through the test vectors repeatedly. Here are 2 sample entries for a test file:-
8 8 0 | 0 1
2 3 0 | 5 0
 Note: The top line must be in the COMMENT format. If you copy it to a file it will be in the DEFAULT format. Change it.
5. Add an instance satellite to the Oracle that assigns the name of the file containing test vectors to id. Add 2 more instance satellites for in and out. The thicker stub that distinguishes the bottom connection on the composer indicates that it is the 0th wire of a wire sequence. Out is described by the string, "4 4 0" because A and B are 4-bit busses and CIN is an atomic wire. The statement, "in ← "4 0"" means that Sum is a 4-bit bus and Cout is an atomic wire. If you want to understand why atomic wires have a size of 0 (not 1), see Section 3.0 of [DATools]<DATools7.0>Core>CoreDescription.tioga.
6. Make this schematic into a cell. Call it 4BitAdderTest.sch. Select Sisyph Extract and Rosemary from the OSpace menu to get the Rosemary test viewers. Start the test. If the test completes successfully, a debugger will appear with the RosemaryImpl.Stop signal showing the message, "Oracle completed successfully." If there is a disagreement between the test vectors and the Rosemary simulation, a debugger will state the disagreement and the test vector file will be opened with the selection positioned at the offending vector.
6.3 Rosemary: Writing an Evaluation Procedure
In this section the fourBitAdder, a combinatorial circuit, will be modified so that it is a fourBitCounter. A Cedar program that models the behavior of the fourBitCounter will be written. A file of test vectors will be used as input to the Cedar program and the fourBitCounter schematic to verify that the two circuit descriptions are equivalent.
Part I: Creating the fourBitAdder with Registers and Simulating It Using a File of Test Vectors
1. Using Figure 13a as model add registers to the fourBitAdder by doing the following:
 a. Draw a copy of the fourBitAdder.icon. (Use RMiddleMouseButton Menu , cell by name entry. The Terminal Viewer will prompt for the cell name.)
 b. Import register.icon and reg1.icon from Logic. Attach Logic.reg1.icon to Cout. Attach Logic.register.icon to SUM.
 c.  The b on Logic.register.icon is purely cosmetic. Its purpose is to remind the designer that the size of the register should be indicated by attaching an instance satellite to the register where b gets the size.
Fine point: "B ~ expression" and "b ← expression" have different meanings. "B ~ expression" means compute the right side and store it into the left side. "B ← expression" means compute the right side and store it only if the left side is already defined. So the ~ is equivalent to declaration and assignment, while ← is only assignment.
 Select Logic.register.icon and add the instance satellite, "b ← 4". Line it up right over the cosmetic b that appears on the register.
 d. Connect the clock wires and enable wires between the two registers and make them public. (The clock wire is indicated by the ">".
 e.  Make Cout and SUM public wires.
 f. Since nCout and nSUM are not needed, make the design cleaner by importing Logic.unconnected.icon and attaching a copy of it to each unconnected wire.
 g. Create a cell and call it fourBitAdderWRegs.sch.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 13a: The fourBitCounter.
2. Extract the fourBitAdderWRegs and create an icon for it. Call it fourBitAdderWRegs.icon.
3. Import a copy of oracle.icon from Logic.
4. Connect the fourBitAdderWRegs.icon to the oracle. Remember that the circuit's inputs (A, B, CIN and en) are the Oracle's outputs; that is the Oracle drives its outputs and compares them to its inputs (Cout and SUM). Add instance satellites to the oracle indicating the size of the structured input and output wires.
5.  Create a file of test vectors. Because the values for Cout and SUM appear one cycle later than the inputs that produces those values, Cout and SUM will be unknown for the first cycle. Similarly, the last entry in the file has unknowns for A, B, CIN and en and gives the values for Cout and SUM from the previous cycle. Here is a modest sample test vector file:
 A B CIN en | SUM Cout
 8 8 0 1 | x x
 2 3 0 1 | 0 1
 1 1 0 1 | 5 0
 x x x x | 2 0
 Call the file, adder4TestVecs.tioga. Add an instance satellite that assigns the fileName for the test vectors to the Oracle's id. (Rememer the fileName is a rope.)
6. Using Figure 13b as a reference, create a cell that encompasses the fourBitCounter and oracle. Call it fourBitAdderWRegsTest.oracle.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 13b: The completed fourBitCounterSchTest.oracle.
7. Run Extract and Rosemary on the new cell.
8. If nothing breaks, the Rosemary viewers should open. Use the ToolChest to run the test.
Part II: Simulating the fourBitAdderWRegs with a Behavioral Proc
In this section a procedure that models the behavior of the fourBitAdder will be written and attached to an icon representing the fourBitAdder. The fourBitAdder will be wired to an oracle to create a new cell. The file of test vectors will then be run against this new cell.
1. Open DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc.mesa. Use level clipping to see only the first two levels of the program. At this level the headings for the five critical parts of the program are visible. They are:
a. The declaration of a Cedar Program, DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc, and its Directory and Imports statements.
b. The declaration of a Public Proc, Adder4Definition. This procedure describes the the public wire sequence of the CellType to be simulated and binds that CellType to a behavioral proc.
c. The declaration of a Rosemary.InitProc, Adder4BehProcInit. This procedure allocates state variables for the CellType to be simulated and initializes the public wire sequence of the CellType.
d. The declaration of a Rosemary.EvalProc, Adder4BehProcEval. This procedure models the behavior of the fourBitAdderWRegs.
e. The definition of a variable of type rope, Adder4BehProcName, that is created when the Rosemary.Register is run. Note: This is the only executeable code in the DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc.mesa procedure.
2. Compile DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc.mesa and run DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc.bcd on your local machine.
3. Now attach DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc.mesa to an icon representing the fourBitAdder by doing the following:
a. Make a copy of the fourBitAdderWRegs.icon (RMiddle Menu, cell by name). Modify it slightly so as not to confuse it with the original icon. For example, move the clock wire to the left-hand side of the icon and change its name to Clock. Pop out, selecting the new cell option. Call the new icon, AdderFourBeh.icon.
b. Now select AdderFourBeh.icon and display the properties associated with it by holding down the N key and leftMouseButton at the same time (NLeft). The properties associated with AdderFourBeh.icon will be displayed in the Terminal Viewer.
 An icon can represent either a drawn schematic or a piece of Cedar code. If the icon represents a schematic, it will have the property name, $IconFor, with the value: cellName.sch. If the icon represents code, it will have the property name, $CodeFor with the value, CedarModule.CedarProcName. Delete the $IconFor property from CounterFourBeh.icon by doing the following:
 1) NSpace Menu, properties (object) entry.
 2) The Terminal Viewer will prompt for the name of the property. Type in $IconFor.
 3) Then select the remove option.
4) Now add the property name $CodeFor, with the value, DAToolsIntroAdder4BehProc.Adder4Definition[], which is a rope. (Note because all property names are atoms, they are defaulted to that type and it is not necessary to add the $ in front of the property name.
4. Attach the AdderFourBeh.icon to an oracle and create a new cell. Call it fourBitAdderBehProcTest.oracle.
5. When a circuit is simulated using a behavioral proc, the single clocking scheme has problems. It might work, but whether or not it works depends on probabilistic factors; however, the simulation is guaranteed to work if a dual clocking scheme is used. A dual clocking scheme can be implemented by delaying the oracle clock a quarter cycle with respect to the circuit clock.
 The default object satellites of the roseClock which define its waveform are:
  up ~ 1
 dn ~ 1
 initLow ~ TRUE
 firstEdge ~ 1
 "up ~ 1, dn ~ 1 " means the clock is in an alternating pattern: high for 1 time period and low for one time period. "firstEdge ~ 1" means that the first edge of the clock is delayed by 1 time period from time = 0.
 Override these defaults by adding the following instance satellites to the circuit clock: up𡤂, dn𡤂, and the instance satellites, up𡤂, dn𡤂, firstEdge𡤂 to the oracle clock. As Figure 13c illustrates the clock for the Oracle is delayed 1/4 cycle with respect to the clock for AdderFourBeh.icon.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 13c: The clocks for AdderFourBeh.icon and the oracle.
6. Run Extract and Rosemary on the new cell.
7. If nothing breaks, the Rosemary viewers should open. Use the ToolChest to run the test.
The same test vectors have now been used in simulating the schematic description of the circuit and the Cedar code that emulates that circuit. For very complex circuits, the Cedar description of a circuit may run up to two orders of magnitude faster than the schematic description.
6.4 Rosemary: Naming Conventions for Wires
The precise syntax for wire names is quite complex. It is described in the Theory section of [DATools]<DATools7.0>Core>CoreFlat.mesa. This section gives a general overview of the naming syntax.
Here is the name of an atomic wire in the oneBitAdder that is referenced by the 4BitAdderTest.sch.
The use of slashes in this name is analogous to the use of slashes in filenames, with each additional slash describing the next lower level in the CellType hierarchy. Each level of the CellType hierarchy may be described by either the name of the CellType or a number indicating its instance number, or both. For example, typing a c in the Rosemary Script viewer describes the default (top level) CellType which is the 4BitAdderTest.sch. The 4BitAdderTest has 4 CellInstances:
 CellInstance : ClockGen
 Actual wire: Clock: [3](2428550^); RosemaryLogicTime: RosemaryLogicTime;
CellInstance : Oracle
 Actual wire: CK: [3](2428550^); In: In; Out: Out;
CellInstance : fourBitAdderLayout
 Actual wire: Vdd: Vdd; CIN: Out.CIN; SUM: In.SUM; B: Out.B; A: Out.A; Cout: In.Cout; Gnd: Gnd;
And, typing either "c /1" or "c /Oracle" or "c /1(Oracle)"will produce the core structural description of the Oracle which is one of the CellInstances that makes up the 4BitAdderTest.sch.
A wire path is terminated by a period, and the number or name of the wire is given. For example:
Although the description of the syntax in CoreFlat.mesa says that wire numbers must appear in brackets, this is incorrect; wire numbers may be unbracketed.
7.0 Sisyph Extract and Thyme
Thyme, SPICE (Simulation Program Integrated Circuit Emphasis) and Mint are tools for verifying the timing of integrated circuits. Thyme, written in CSL, and SPICE, developed at UC Berkeley, are similar. Both use a highly detailed electrical model; as a result, they can only handle a small number of transistors in a reasonable amount of time. For example, SPICE handles 4 to 10 transistors well, and becomes impossible with over 100 transistors (an hour to simulate for 1 nanosecond).
In contrast to Thyme and SPICE, Mint has a simplified electrical model that includes only transistors and capacitors. It was developed to provide fast verification of logic and timing features and can handle a fairly large number of transistors (10,000) in a reasonable amount of time. If a chip is constructed entirely of standard cells, Mint simulations should be adequate. (It is safe to assume that the standard cells have been simulated by Thyme.)
7.1 Thyme: Simulating the OneBitAdder Using Icons from the Electrical Core Classes
Thyme and Mint simulations are performed by drawing a schematic and then adding a Control Panel and icons to represent circuit components, probes, and signal generators. The original schematic, the added electrical icons, and Control Panel are encapsulated in a new cell for the simulation.
To simulate the oneBitAdder using Thyme, do the following:
1.  Make a copy of the oneBitAdder.
2.  Using Figure 14 as a model, extend the lengths of the public wires, A, B, C, Cout and Sum.
3.  Read in the electrical icons by executing, cdread EE.dale in your DATools subdirectory. It actually isn't necessary to read in EE.dale to import from it, but it is nice to see what's in the file. (For a complete explanation of the electrical icons, see, [DATools]<DATools7.0>ElectricalCoreClasses>ElectricalCoreClassesDoc.tioga.)
4.  Import the Voltage, Pulse, RectWave and VProbe icons by doing the following:
A.  X-Z-Middle in your ChipNDaleViewer
B.  Select the <type-in> entry from the Design Name Pop-Up Menu.
C. Answer the Terminal Viewer prompt, "DESIGN name >", EE (CR).
D.  Select the EE entry from the next FileName Pop-Up Menu.
E.  Answer the Terminal Viewer prompt, "object >", with Voltage.icon.
F.  Now that the identity of EE has been established as a referent design, the next three icons can be imported by selecting EE entry from the Design Name Pop-Up Menu and typing the name of the icon in response to the Terminal Viewer prompt, "object >". Go on to Step 5.
5.  Here's what the imported icons mean and what you should do with them: 
A. The Voltage signal generator provides a source of DC voltage. Its units are Volts, and its default value is 5.0. Demonstrate this to yourself by selecting it and listing its object expressions (LO-Left). Attach voltage.icon to the A wire.
B. The Pulse signal generator creates a signal pulse on the wire to which it is attached. Attach pulse.icon to the B wire. The pulse's object expressions include variables for onLevel, offLevel, period, width, tRise, tFall, tDelay. Change tDelay from the default of 10 nanoseconds to 15 nanoseconds by adding an instance satellite to the selected pulse.icon (I-Middle). Change the font size of this expression by selecting the font entry in the Control Panel and selecting Helvetica8 2/8. Then, with tDelay ← 15 selected, type CTRL-F. (F stands for font.)
C. The RectWave signal generator provides a periodic rectangular wave. Attach it to the C wire. Note that RectWave signal generator has the same variables to control its shape as the Pulse signal generator. Change tRise to 8 nanoseconds and tFall to 3. Now change the default font back to Helvetica8 4/8.
D. The VProbe is a one terminal device whose active terminal is attached to the node whose voltage is to be plotted. To have the simulation plot all public wires, attach a VProbe to each of them.
6.  Now import the Control Panel and position it below the schematic. Note that the panel has three columns. The first column states the parameters for the simulation. The second gives default values for the simulation. And, the third provides a space to override the defaults. You may want to override tMax ← 100.0 because a 100 ns simulation of this adder will take about 45 minutes. Do this by attaching an instance satellite to the panel. Add a simulation title. (The tStep value is for SPICE simulations.)
7.  Names propagate up the CellType hierarchy iff there is no conflict. In the example being created, the VProbe and Voltage icons attached to the A wire create a naming conflict, so to have the public wires named for this simulation, each must be renamed at the higher level. Do this.
8.  Create a new cell that includes the electrical icons. Call it adderTest.
9.  Run the thyme simulation by executing the following commands in the appropriate Command Tool:
A.  install Thyme
B.  install SCCmosb
10. Select the Sisyph Extract and Thyme entry from the OSpace menu. Two new viewers are created:
 The first, a Thyme viewer, appears in iconic form. The use of this viewer is explained in [DATools]<DATools7.0>NewThyme>ThymeDoc.tioga; however, that documentation is out-of-date. The important things to know are:
A.  The Stop button aborts the simulation without saving anything.
B. The Dump button aborts the simulation but also saves the calculation that has been done so far, to be used as the initial condition of future simulations.
C. The details switch supplies time/step information. It's default value is on. It can be turned off by clicking over it. (This changes the background of the button to white.)
D.  The EchoInput switch echos the input statements that Thyme is reading. Its default value is off. You can turn it on by clicking on it. (ThymeDoc is about this!)
E. The Run button starts the simulation.
 The second viewer creates a graph of the designated wires. A lot can be done with the graph. For example, it's possible to get a file of the values used in constructing the graph by: typing a filename, selecting the filename, and then selecting the list button. The file will open on your black-and-white terminal. For additional information see, [DATools]<DATools7.0>Graph>GraphDoc.tioga.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 14: Simulating the oneBitAdder using electrical icons from [DATools]<DATools7.0>ElectricalCoreClasses>EE.dale.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
Figure 15: Thyme plot of the public wires for the oneBitAdder.
8.0 Sisyph Extract and Layout
Layout procedures are stored as values in a table composed of key/value pairs. The key is a layout atom. To create layout for the fourBitAdder that uses standard cells exclusively, the layout atom, $SC (Standard Cell) must be specified as an object satellite of the design. If the layout for a schematic is composed entirely of standard cells, the layout program generates layout by examining the layout atom stored at the highest level in the CellType hierarchy. To be sure that the layout atom is at the top level, many designers add another level to the CellType hierarchy and put only the layout atom in this highest level. Try this doing the following:
1.  Select the fourBitAdder.
2.  Select the create cell entry from the Cell Menu. Name the new cell fourBitAdderLayout.
3.  Call up the Satellites Menu (LSpace) and select the draw object satellites entry (O-Middle). Answer the terminal prompt: Layout: $SC.
4.  Pop out, selecting the replace option.
To generate the layout do the following:
1.  Install the Standard Cell Library by executing the command, Install SCCmosb in your DATools subdirectory.
2.  Call up the OSpace menu and select the Sisyph Extract and Layout option.
The Terminal Viewer displays messages that indicating the progress of layout generation. The effective standard cell area including routing will be roughly 2.5 to 3 times the area of the individual standard cells in the design. The completed layout will appear in a new ChipNDale Viewer. To find out more about generation of layout see, [DATools]<DATools7.0>Top>PWCore.df which lists all the files that are involved in the generation of layout.
8.1 Layout: For Custom Designs
Custom designs are designs that combine standard cell layout with other methods for generating layout. When specifying layout for custom designs, each area of the schematic must include its own layout atom. Here is a simple example:
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 16: Specification of layout atoms for a cell that uses multiple layout procedures.
Here are definitions for the layout atoms used in this example:
The $Get layout atom is used whenever the layout procedure for a cell is explicitly specified. This means that $Get is the correct atom for use in the Logic Library itself and for custom layout.
The $Abut layout atom is used when subblocks of the circuit are to be concatenated. The layout procedure, PWCore, is smart enough to figure out whether the concatenation should be in the x or y direction. At the present time, diagonal concatenation, as indicated in Figure 17, is not possible.
[Artwork node; type 'Artwork on' to command tool]
Figure 17: Diagonal concatenation of blocks. This configuration is NOT currently supported by PWCore.
The Channel layout procedure connects exactly two subcells by either a horizontal or a vertical channel.
This is the layout atom used for standard cells. This atom should only be stored one time for a given design, at the highest level of the CellType hierarchy.
To find out more about specifying layout for schematics see, [DATools]<DATools7.0>PWCore>PWCoreDoc.tioga.
9.0 Conclusion
This document has provided an introduction to the DATools. At this point, the paths of those who write design automation tools and those who use these tools diverge.
Tool writers should take a look at [Cedar]<CedarChest6.1>Documentation>OverviewDoc.tioga. (This document should be updated to 7.0 soon.) Then try playing around with some CEDAR programs. Take a look at [DATools]<DATools7.0>Top>DAToolsExample.df. This df file contains a small CEDAR program that uses a number of the important interfaces from the DATools world. Then you might try modifying some of the code in [Cedar]<CedarChest7.0>Top>CedarExamples.df.
Designers are ready to begin working on a real circuit.
Expect problems. Ask for help. A lot of information resides in the heads of experts.
Appendix I: Command Summary
Centerselect objects to be centered, then CTRLSpace
Stop RepaintESC-LF
TicksPeriodSpacebar (.Spacebar)
Zoom OutTabSpace
Draw Text:
Draw TextT-middleMouse
Edit Satellites CR: no change; -(minus): delete expr; edit: retype entire expr
Satellites Menu LSpace Menu
Replace Text Y-Space Menu
Draw Wires:
Cut wire select wire, holding down \-rightMouse sweep across wire
Draw wiremiddleMouse
flip wire while drawing with middleMouse, hit spaceBar
90° bend in wire while drawing with middleMouse, hit shift
Stretch wire select wire, Tab down, draw additional segment with leftMouse
Import  X-Z-middleMouse
Manipulate Graphical Objects:
Copy shift down, draw vector with leftMouse to location of copy
Delete CTRL-D
MirrorT-leftMouse (x-axis); E-leftMouse (y-axis)
Move By A VectorCTRL down, draw vector with the leftMouse
Move IncrementallyCTRL-A: left; CTRL-W: up CTRL-S: right; CTRL-Z: down
Repetition select object to be repeated, then =-middleMouse
Rotate R-leftMouse
PrintH-middleMouse or execute NectarineSchematics in DATools SubDir
Extend SelectionrightMouse
Area Select leftMouse down, move mouse to sweep out rectangular box
Special Commands:
Search ObjectDSpace Menu, case-sensitive
Stop Cmd In ProgressDEL-ESC