Catalog Components
BondingPads: [DATools7.0]<Top>BondingPads.df
Documentation: PadFrameDoc.tioga
Boole: [DATools7.0]<Top>Boole.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: BooleDoc.tioga
Keywords: Boolean Algebra, Boolean expressions, Disjunctive Normal Form, PLA, DCVS, Cascode, Static, FSM, Finite State Machines, Automatas
Abstract: Boole (also called Alps) is a layout generator which accepts a set of boolean equations, much like PLA generators do. It makes use of an original tree-structured representation of arbitrary boolean expressions. This representation is usually more compact than the classic disjunctive form, is suitable for fast symbolic manipulation, and maps naturally into silicon. Boole produces static CMOS layout using the cascode switch style. In the same package, there is a starting point for finite state machines.
BoolEx: [DATools7.0]<Top>BoolEx.df
BringDATools: [DATools7.0]<Top>BringDATools.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: BringDAToolsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Design automation, Bringover, DATools, DF Files, DAToolsAdministration
Commands: BringDATools
Abstract: BringDATools is a command that brings over all the released DATools software in much less time that traditional bringovers.
Cabbage: [DATools7.0]<Top>Cabbage.df
CDCommon25: [DATools7.0]<Top>CDCommon25.df
Documentation: cd25.tioga, substitute25.tioga
Commands: CDOpen, CDRead, ChipNDale, CDGenerate
CDDesign25: [DATools7.0]<Top>CDDesign25.df
CDDoc25: [DATools7.0]<Top>CDDoc25.df
Documentation: ChipNDaleIntroduction.tioga, ChipNDaleDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleToolsDoc.tioga, CDCrib.tioga, ChipNDaleLabelsAndTextsDoc.tioga, ChipNDale-RegistrationDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleProgramsDoc.tioga, ChipNDaleMessages1987.tioga, ChipNDaleMessages1986.tioga, ChipNDaleMessages1985.tioga, ChipNDaleMessages1984.tioga, ChipNDaleMessages1983.tioga, dale.tioga, CDOldDocuments.tioga
CellLibraries: [DATools7.0]<Top>CellLibraries.df
Documentation: LogicDoc.Tioga, StdCellsCmosBDoc.tioga, DynabusPadsDoc.tioga
CellLibrariesGen: [DATools7.0]<Top>CellLibrariesGen.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Maintainers of CellLibraries
Documentation: CellLibrariesGenDoc.Tioga
Keywords: CellLibraries, .corelib Files
Abstract: CellLibrariesGen is a package precomputing information which is expensive to recompute. This information is capture in .corelib files belonging to the CellLibraries package. Therefore this module is reserved for maintainors of CellLibraries, and not for general public.
CheckDesign: [DATools7.0]<Top>CheckDesign.df
Created by: Don Curry
Maintained by: Don Curry <>
Documentation: CheckDesignDoc.tioga
Keywords: Finishing check, verification
Commands: CheckDesign
Abstract: CheckDesign is meant to be a finishing check for designs and libraries. It applies both Static and Mint to the source and applies Lichen, Mint and Dracula to the layout.
CifCDConvert: [DATools7.0]<Top>CifCDConvert.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq, with pieces from previous work of Frank Bowers, Jim Gasbarro, Christian Jacobi, Kimr, Ed McCreight, Martin Newell, Bertrand Serlet...
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: CifCDConvertDoc.tioga
Keywords: CIF, Conversion
Abstract: Two packages, CDToCif and CifToCD, to allow integration of tools from other environments (which usually allow for CIF input & output) in the Cedar DATools world.
CIFParser: [DATools7.0]<Top>CIFParser.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: CifParserDoc.tioga
Keywords: CIF, parser.
Abstract: The CIF parser provides a parser of the Caltech Intermediate Form description language, a format widely used to carry the geometrical description of the integrated circuits.
Combinatorial: [DATools7.0]<Top>Combinatorial.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: CombinatorialDoc.tioga
Keywords: Core, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Expressions
Abstract: Combinatorial defines the notion of combinatorial cells. A syntax for boolean expressions and the corresponding parser are defined, as well as generic operations for manipulating combinatorial cells.
ConnectivityChecker: [DATools7.0]<Top>ConnectivityChecker.df
Created by: Bruce Wagar
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>, Louis Monier <>
Documentation: ConnectivityCheckerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Connectivity Checker, PWCore, Rectangle Intersection, Bags
Commands: CheckConnectivity
Abstract: Verifies that each wire has all its geometry in one piece. In particular, checks that fusion by name (or fusion by source) did not introduce disconnections.
Core: [DATools7.0]<Top>Core.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Mike Spreitzer and Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>, Serlet <>, Spreitzer <>
Documentation: CoreDoc.tioga, CoreDescription.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, Design Automation, Tools Integration
Abstract: Core is a common set of interfaces for exchanging information between different DA tools. It is also used to capture the designer's intents at a high level.
CoreRoute: [DATools7.0]<Top>CoreRoute.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Louis Monier, Bryan Preas, Don Curry
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>, Louis Monier <>, Don Curry <>
Documentation: CoreRouteDoc.tioga
Keywords: Router, PatchWork, PWCore, Tools Integration
Abstract: CoreRoute allows interfacing purely geometric routers to the world of structure. CoreRoute does not route in itself but calls routers within the framework define by PWCore.
CoreView: [DATools7.0]<Top>CoreView.df
Created by: Giordano Beretta
Maintained by: DAToolsImplementors^.pa
Documentation: CoreViewDoc.Tioga
Keywords: Core, Debugging, Design Automation Tools, Extraction, Illustration, Layout Visualization, Technology Independence, Viewers
Abstract: CoreView visualizes the geometry in a Core data structure. Two options are available. With the first option a Core cell is recursively traversed and its geometry is painted into a viewer. The same non-linear RGB model as in Nectarine is used, hence the Cedar color map should be used. The second option simply creates an empty viewer, into which rectangles can be added incrementally. Viewers created with the second option are monochrome, every rectangle is labelled. This second option is intended for debugging packages based on Core.
Crystal: [DATools7.0]<Top>Crystal.df
Created by: John Ousterhout
Maintained by: Le Cocq <>
Documentation: CrystalDoc.tioga
Keywords: VLSI, Layout, Timing Analysis
Abstract: Crystal is a time-critical path finder for layout of VLSIs.
D2Basic3: [DATools7.0]<Top>D2Basic3.df
DataPath: [DATools7.0]<Top>DataPath.df
Documentation: DataPathNotes.tioga
DAToolsAdministration: [DATools7.0]<Top>DAToolsAdministration.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet and Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <>, Mike Spreitzer <>
Documentation: DAToolsAdministrationDoc.tioga, DAToolsCatalog.tioga
Keywords: DATools, Software Management, Release, DF Files, Version Maps, Changes Tracking, Rules, Locks, User Profile, MakeDo, BringDATools
Abstract: This document describes the DATools software management rules for design aids implementors. It is mostly an edited versage of a message from Mike Spreitzer. For retrieving DA software, see BringDAToolsDoc.
DAToolsExamples: [DATools7.0]<Top>DAToolsExamples.df
Created by: Christain LeCocq and Lissy Bland
Maintained by: Lissy Bland <>
Documentation: DAToolsExamplesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar example
Abstract: This is a simple Cedar program that uses some of the important interfaces from the DATools. The program registers a new command with ChipNDale whose purpose is to write the result of Sisyph's circuit extraction to a file. The default filename is cellName.coreList.
DAToolsForms: [DATools7.0]<Top>DAToolsForms.df
Created by: Bryan Preas, Christian Jacobi, and many others
Maintained by: Bryan Preas <>
Documentation: DAToolsFormsDoc.tioga
Keywords: form, document, message, style, abbreviation, DF, interface, release, CedarChest
Abstract: DAToolsForms.df describes a number of forms in used in the DATools context, in addition to Forms.df.
DAUser: [DATools7.0]<Top>DAUser.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>, Barth <>, Monier <>
Documentation: DAToolsIntroductionDoc.tioga, DAToolsGlossary.tioga, DATools7.0ReleaseMessage.tioga, DAUserDoc.tioga, LayoutAtomsDoc.tioga, OnePageCDCommandSummary.tioga
Keywords: Design automation, Core, ChipNDale, DATools, Schematics, Simulation, Catalog, BringDATools, Conversion, Static, Design Rules Check, TextOps, EditTool
Abstract: DAUser is a repository for commands, documentation or programs which are at the crossroad of different tools. For retrieving DA software, see BringDAToolsDoc.
DraculaOps: [DATools7.0]<Top>DraculaOps.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: DraculaOpsDoc.tioga
Keywords: VLSI, DRC, Unix.
Commands: DraculaDRC
Abstract: DraculaOps provides a simple way to use the Dracula DRC in the Unix environment from Cedar.
Drot: [DATools7.0]<Top>Drot.df
ElectricalCoreClasses: [DATools7.0]<Top>ElectricalCoreClasses.df
Created by: Pradeep Sindhu as NewCoreClasses
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: ElectricalCoreClassesDoc.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Schematics Extraction
Abstract: ElectricalCoreClasses contains the definitions of the basic elements used in the electrical description of the circuits. It more or less follows the description understood by Spice.
Extract: [DATools7.0]<Top>Extract.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>, Frailong <>, Sindhu <>
Documentation: ExtractDoc.tioga, SisyphDoc.tioga, ToBeChanged.tioga
Keywords: Layout Extractor, Schematics Extractor, Extraction, Technology Independent Extraction, Core, ChipNDale, Schematics, Wire Icons, Icons, Visual Programming, Schematics, Geometry Decorations
Abstract: Extract is a package grouping the extraction engine [Sinix], the layout extractor and the schematics extractor [Sisyph]. It also defines the important notion of decorated Core [CoreGeometry].
FSM: [DATools7.0]<Top>FSM.df
Commands: Mux8
Genista: [DATools7.0]<Top>Genista.df
Created by: Giordano Beretta
Maintained by: DAToolsImplementors^.pa
Documentation: GenistaDoc.Tioga
Keywords: Core, Design Rule Checking, Layout Verification, Design Automation Tools, Technology Independence
Commands: DrcCdCMOSb, DrcRepeal, DrcEmpty, DrcRedo, DrcStatus, TestGenista
Abstract: Genista is the Grandson of Spinifex. It is a partially hierarchical design rule checker that enumerates a Core design and uses the ChipNDale geometry with which it is decorated.
Graph: [DATools7.0]<Top>Graph.df
Created by: Sweetsun Chen
Maintained by: Sweetsun Chen <>
Documentation: GraphDoc.tioga
Keywords: Graph, Controller, Thyme, Post Processor.
Commands: Graph, Waves
Abstract: Graph is a tool for creating or editing line graphs (x-y charts) manually or programmably. Many convenient functionalities are supported. The first section below contains tutorial steps to help users get familiar with the package easily.
ICPack: [DATools7.0]<Top>ICPack.df
Created by: Don Curry
Maintained by: Don Curry
Documentation: IcPackDoc.tioga
Keywords: IC Package, Bonding Diagram
Commands: BuildIcPack, GenExpertPinLists, GenCoordPinList, GenMTSPinList
Abstract: IcPack provides a way to capture the last level of device specification in the design of a VSLI circuit, that of the package bonding diagram. It does this by building a scale model representing the layout pads for a device and including this model in a copy of a package object. Besides being used as the graphical bonding specification, the output of this package can be used to provide interface references for the tester and board level software.
ICTest: [DATools7.0]<Top>ICTest.df
IMSTester: [DATools7.0]<Top>IMSTester.df
Created by: Jim Gasbarro
Maintained by: Jim <>
Documentation: IMSTesterDoc.tioga
Keywords: IMS, VLSI testing, Probe station
Abstract: This document describes the resources and configuration of the IMS chip tester.
IMSLink: [DATools7.0]<Top>IMSLink.df
Commands: IMSLink
Mint: [DATools7.0]<Top>Mint.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Le Cocq <>
Documentation: MintDoc.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Graph Display
Abstract: Mint is a program that simulates a Core data structure extracted from a layout. It offers also a static electrical checker, and a timing analyzer.
MTSVector: [DATools7.0]<Top>MTSVector.df
Created by: Jean-Marc Frailong
Maintained by: Jean-Marc Frailong <>
Documentation: MTSVectorDoc.tioga, MTSHardDoc.tioga
Keywords: Dragon, VLSI, Hybrid, Test
Abstract: This package permits to generate and run test files for the MTS tester. Stimuli are captured from a transistor-level Rosemary simulation.
Nectarine: [DATools7.0]<Top>Nectarine.df
Created by: Giordano Bruno Beretta
Maintained by: DAToolsImplementors^.pa
Documentation: NectarineDoc.Tioga, NectarineTune.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, ChipNSil, Design Automation Tools, Documentation, Document Processing, Graph Display, Illustration, Imaging, Interpress, Layout Printing, PD Files, Peach Expansion, Peach Printing, Printing, Schematics Printing, Technology Independence, Tioga Illustration
Commands: Nectarine, NCount, NectarineField, NOldColors, NQuery, NReadColors, NRedo, NWriteColors, PrintDesignOnVersatec
Abstract: The ultimate layout and schematics documentation and printing system. Creates Interpress masters and does with them anything you might dream of: stuffs into Tioga documents, prints on Interpress servers and Peach servers, in black and white or in colour, expanding on the printer server or on a special expansion server. Once three buttons are bugged to answer three orthogonal questions (what, where, how often), all the magic happens with the single press of a button. The Interpress masters can be further manipulated with Gargoyle.
PLAGen: [DATools7.0]<Top>PLAGen.df
PLAOps: [DATools7.0]<Top>PLAOps.df
Commands: PLAOpsCompress
PW: [DATools7.0]<Top>PW.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: PWDoc.tioga, OldPatchWorkDoc.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, Design Automation, Layout Generation, Layout Assembly, Silicon Assembly
Abstract: PW offers a layer on top of ChipNDale in order to facilitate layout generation. It is the result of a long evolution from Louis Monier's PatchWork (cf OldPatchWorkDoc.tioga). PW also contains a tiny demo of ChipNDale and of the package.
PWCore: [DATools7.0]<Top>PWCore.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, Louis Monier
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: PWCoreDoc.tioga
Keywords: Comparator, Core, ChipNDale, PatchWork, Extraction, Sinix, Decorations, Interface Geometry
Abstract: PatchWork (= PWCore) is the general framework for connecting CD layout to Core. The Core structure either comes from schematics, or by a piece of code. In both cases, this Core data structure is decorated with some properties, which permit the construction of the corresponding layout. When the layout is constructed, publics of cells having layout are decorated with the interface geometry, to allow for routing. An interface check is made at decoration time.
PWCoreLichen: [DATools7.0]<Top>PWCoreLichen.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer <>, Bertrand Serlet <>
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <>, Bertrand Serlet <>
Documentation: PWCoreLichenDoc.Tioga
Keywords: PWCore, Hierarchical Comparison, Structural Comparison, Comparison, Core, ChipNDale
Abstract: PWCoreLichen hierarchically compares two Core descriptions of a circuit for structural equivalence. The hierarchies don't have to be exactly the same, and the structures don't have to be absolutely identical. It works in the context of PWCore. One of the Core descriptions is called the `source', and the other is called the `extracted', because it is intended to be extracted from the ChipNDale description fabricated by PWCore according to the source description. PWCoreLichen's checking is not complete; there is a tool, called the ConnectivityChecker, that complements PWCoreLichen. There is a ChipNDale command interface to PWCoreLichen, as well as a Cedar language interface.
PWPLA: [DATools7.0]<Top>PWPLA.df
Created by: Louis Monier
Maintained by: Serlet <>, Monier <>
Documentation: PWPLADoc.tioga
Abstract: PWPLA is a PLA generator. It uses a library of cells, a set of user-defined parameters including a truth-table, and generates PLAs with the help of PatchWork. It can be used interactively from ChipnDale. Its procedural interface make it also easy to call from any user program.
RawExtract: [DATools7.0]<Top>RawExtract.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Serlet <>
Documentation: RawExtractDoc.tioga
Keywords: Layout Extractor, Raw Extraction, HighLight, PadFrame
Abstract: RawExtract provides an extraction mode that takes into account overlap. Utilities for extraction of entire chips or for highlighting (even in standard mode) are also found in this module.
REFBit: [DATools7.0]<Top>REFBit.df
Created by: Don Curry
Maintained by: Don Curry <>
Documentation: REFBitDoc.tioga
Keywords: REF BitArray
Commands: REFBitFormat
Abstract: When designing and simulating hardware, it's sometimes useful to deal with instances of arbitray Cedar TYPEs as if they were arrays of bits.
Rosemary: [DATools7.0]<Top>Rosemary.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: RosemaryDoc.tioga, RosemaryExample.tioga, RosemaryTemplate.tioga, RoseThoughts.tioga
Keywords: Simulation
Abstract: Rosemary is a simulator.
Route25: [DATools7.0]<Top>Route25.df
Documentation: RouteAttributes.tioga
RT25: [DATools7.0]<Top>RT25.df
Saguaro: [DATools7.0]<Top>Saguaro.df
Created by: Giordano Beretta
Maintained by: DAToolsImplementors^.pa
Documentation: SaguaroDoc.Tioga, ECADVTIRulesTemplate.tioga
Keywords: ChipNDale, Core, Extraction, Extractor, Geometry Decorations, Layout, Technology Independent Extraction, Transistor
Abstract: Prepares the data about transistors that is needed by the extractor.
SC25: [DATools7.0]<Top>SC25.df
Documentation: SCThingsToDo.tioga
Scald: [DATools7.0]<Top>Scald.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: ScaldDoc.tioga
Keywords: scald, file format
Abstract: Scald writes scald format files.
SpiceOps: [DATools7.0]<Top>SpiceOps.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <>
Documentation: SpiceOpsDoc.tioga, SpiceUserGuide.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Schematics Extraction,
Commands: SpiceOps
Abstract: SpiceOps provides (as much as possible) simple ways to use the Spice Circuit simulator on the Vax in the Unix environment from our DATools in the Cedar environment.
Static: [DATools7.0]<Top>Static.df
Created by: Rick Barth
Maintained by: Barth <>
Documentation: StaticDoc.tioga
Keywords: design automation, static checking
Abstract: Static checks that some interesting invariants hold.
StretchCMosB: [DATools7.0]<Top>StretchCMosB.df
Created by: Don Curry
Maintained by: Don Curry <>
Documentation: StretchCMosBDoc.tioga
Keywords: Stretch, Extend
Abstract: Stretches selected CMosB Object. Command is registered in Garbage menu. User may specify stretch width in lamba and whether routing (poly, metal, metal2), conductive or all layers are to be stretched.
StructuralComparison: [DATools7.0]<Top>StructuralComparison.df
Documentation: IntHashTableThreadedDoc.tioga
Thyme: [DATools7.0]<Top>Thyme.df
Created by: Neil Welhelm, modified by
Maintained by: & DAToolsImplementors^.pa
Documentation: CoreThymeDoc.tioga, ThymeDoc.tioga, ThymeManual.tioga
Keywords: Circuit Simulation, Graph, Timing Diagrams.
Commands: Thyme
Abstract: Thyme is a circuit simulator originally written in the Alto environment in 1982, and ported to Cedar in 1984. This documentation only dicusses the special features of its Cedar version.
WriteCapa: [DATools7.0]<Top>WriteCapa.df
Created by: Christian Le Cocq
Maintained by: Christian Le Cocq <LeCocq.PA>
Documentation: WriteCapaDoc.tioga
Keywords: Capacitance, Layout, Core Wire
Abstract: WriteCapa writes the capacitances of the layout wires as properties on the CoreWires
Keyword Index
.corelib Files: CellLibrariesGen
abbreviation: DAToolsForms
Automatas: Boole
Bags: ConnectivityChecker
Bonding Diagram: ICPack
Boolean Algebra: Boole, Combinatorial
Boolean expressions: Boole, Combinatorial
BringDATools: DAToolsAdministration, DAUser
Bringover: BringDATools
Capacitance: WriteCapa
Cascode: Boole
Catalog: DAUser
Cedar example: DAToolsExamples
CedarChest: DAToolsForms
CellLibraries: CellLibrariesGen
Changes Tracking: DAToolsAdministration
ChipNDale: Core, DAUser, Extract, Nectarine, PW, PWCore, PWCoreLichen, Saguaro
ChipNSil: Nectarine
CIF: CifCDConvert, CIFParser
Circuit Simulation: ElectricalCoreClasses, Mint, SpiceOps, Thyme
Comparator: PWCore
Comparison: PWCoreLichen
Connectivity Checker: ConnectivityChecker
Controller: Graph
Conversion: CifCDConvert, DAUser
Core: Combinatorial, CoreView, DAUser, Extract, Genista, PWCore, PWCoreLichen, Saguaro
Core Wire: WriteCapa
DATools: BringDATools, DAToolsAdministration, DAUser
DAToolsAdministration: BringDATools
DCVS: Boole
Debugging: CoreView
Decorations: PWCore
Design automation: BringDATools, Core, DAUser, PW, Static
Design Automation Tools: CoreView, Genista, Nectarine
Design Rule Checking: Genista
Design Rules Check: DAUser
DF: DAToolsForms
DF Files: BringDATools, DAToolsAdministration
Disjunctive Normal Form: Boole
document: DAToolsForms
Document Processing: Nectarine
Documentation: Nectarine
Dragon: MTSVector
DRC: DraculaOps
EditTool: DAUser
Extend: StretchCMosB
Extraction: CoreView, Extract, PWCore, Saguaro
Extractor: Saguaro
file format: Scald
Finishing check: CheckDesign
Finite State Machines: Boole
form: DAToolsForms
FSM: Boole
Geometry Decorations: Extract, Saguaro
Graph: Graph, Thyme
Graph Display: Mint, Nectarine
Hierarchical Comparison: PWCoreLichen
HighLight: RawExtract
Hybrid: MTSVector
IC Package: ICPack
Icons: Extract
Illustration: CoreView, Nectarine
Imaging: Nectarine
IMS: IMSTester
interface: DAToolsForms
Interface Geometry: PWCore
Interpress: Nectarine
Layout: Crystal, Saguaro, WriteCapa
Layout Assembly: PW
Layout Extractor: Extract, RawExtract
Layout Generation: PW
Layout Printing: Nectarine
Layout Verification: Genista
Layout Visualization: CoreView
Locks: DAToolsAdministration
MakeDo: DAToolsAdministration
message: DAToolsForms
PadFrame: RawExtract
parser.: CIFParser
PatchWork: CoreRoute, PWCore
PD Files: Nectarine
Peach Expansion: Nectarine
Peach Printing: Nectarine
PLA: Boole
Post Processor. : Graph
Printing: Nectarine
Probe station: IMSTester
PWCore: ConnectivityChecker, CoreRoute, PWCoreLichen
Raw Extraction: RawExtract
Rectangle Intersection: ConnectivityChecker
REF BitArray: REFBit
Release: DAToolsAdministration, DAToolsForms
Router: CoreRoute
Rules: DAToolsAdministration
scald: Scald
Schematics: DAUser, Extract
Schematics Extraction: ElectricalCoreClasses, SpiceOps
Schematics Extractor: Extract
Schematics Printing: Nectarine
Silicon Assembly: PW
Simulation: DAUser, Rosemary
Sinix: PWCore
Software Management: DAToolsAdministration
Static: Boole, DAUser
static checking: Static
Stretch: StretchCMosB
Structural Comparison: PWCoreLichen
style: DAToolsForms
Technology Independence: CoreView, Genista, Nectarine
Technology Independent Extraction: Extract, Saguaro
Test: MTSVector
TextOps: DAUser
Thyme: Graph
Timing Analysis: Crystal
Timing Diagrams. : Thyme
Tioga Illustration: Nectarine
Tools Integration: Core, CoreRoute
Transistor: Saguaro
Unix.: DraculaOps
User Profile: DAToolsAdministration
verification: CheckDesign
Version Maps: DAToolsAdministration
Viewers: CoreView
Visual Programming: Extract
VLSI: Crystal, DraculaOps, MTSVector
VLSI testing: IMSTester
Wire Icons: Extract