(7)define integrated circuit design methodology (Design Methodology Defined)
(3.5) Perceived deficiency in the literature with respect to design methodology. Deficiencies in existing methodologies.
So paper has two goals
describe a methodology which avoids the deficiencies of the top down and ASIC approaches
fill the gap in the literature, case history with analysis
Go about it by
describing problems in existing methodologies
describing hole in previous literature
defining criteria for good methodology
present case history
evaluating case history against criteria
(37)(15)Deficiencies in existing methodologies (In Contrast)
available ASIC methodology
too low level
not extensible
top down approach
too much source due to multiple levels of description
complicated tool set
(50)(13)Perceived deficiency in the literature with respect to design methodology. (Previous Work)
high level descriptions with much handwaving
Weste design flow diagram
case histories with no analysis
Weste case histories
(77)(22)Define good methodology (Good Integrated Circuit Methodologies)
(99)(22)Present case history (An Example and Tool Requirements)
Barth etc. to give extended background of discussion
Newton refer to parameterized circuit modules
Schematic Capture
Parameterized Logic Library
Layout Generation
(121)(22)Evaluate (Evaluation)
Mayo for reusable design knowledge
(137)(16)Conclusion and References