Random ideas:
Push cue: rectangular wipe from the icon to the sch. Funny noise.
Each of these three columns represents a datapath. The different rows are indicated by these colored blocks. The positionning of blocks, the assignment of tracks, and the wiring channels between rows can be controlled precisely from this schematic.
nand2, 3, 4, .... from book, then nand[n].
(2) wide bandwidth between programs instead of file interface
(3) equivalence sch <=> code
Guys in hard hats unrolling Versatec plots: we are building circuits
Female voice in introduction
Foam cores are 60" by 40".
oracles, Spice deck
Example with a sequence of XXX and a channel gathering all the Vdd's. First change the parameter -> larger cell; then change the width of the Vdd as F[n].
We are interested in full-custom -> Get. No restriction to one style of layout.
Integration -> mixes: Abut in SC. Wide range of operators (flip to padframe or SC). None is built in.
Give a taste by showing simu, fsm, sch, layout, ...
In conclusion: We don't do everything: reseach env., extensible system, small number of people, many cycles, correct by construction. Show source and layout.
arithmetic on parameters
In fact, the graphic representation which is interpreted by the machine to produce the internal representation of the circuit is quite readable for a designer.
Video tricks:
Cut away: 3 to 5s.
Person talking: zoom in three steps (???)
Talking head: 20s at most before changing visual.
Jump cuts: missing frames.
Cut: abrupt change.
Disolve: more pleasing, temporal ellipsis. 1s.
Wipe: many shapes: line, oval, diamond...
Insert: any shape and location.
Key (i.e. slide) can be hand-written or printed. Can dislove on keys.