Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Christian Jacobi, December 19, 1986 11:32:16 am PST
Last Edited by: Christian Jacobi, May 22, 1987 3:59:45 pm PDT
Louis Monier April 17, 1988 4:50:23 pm PDT
Don Curry March 4, 1988 2:42:24 pm PST
Jean-Marc Frailong January 13, 1988 4:05:36 pm PST
Christian Le Cocq March 16, 1988 6:06:08 pm PST
Barth, October 15, 1987 11:58:25 am PDT
Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on March 15, 1988 1:49:21 pm PST
Bertrand Serlet June 6, 1987 2:39:44 pm PDT
gbb September 18, 1987 5:52:17 pm PDT
CoreMenu (<SPACE>-E)
DefineMenu | CoreMenu | Core <-> CD | relates Core structures to CD graphics
CoreMenu | ExtractSelectedCellsCommand | Extract Selected Cells | extracts the selected cells, leaves the last one associated with the design
CoreMenu | HighlightSelectedFlatWireCommand | Highlight Selected Flat Wire | disambiguate selected flat wire and highlight it
CoreMenu | PrintSelectedFlatWiresCommand | Print Selected Flat Wires | prints flat wire names of disambiguated selected flat wires
CoreMenu | PrintSelectedFlatWiresCoreCommand | Print Selected Flat Wires Core | disambiguates selected flat wires and prints their Core on the terminal
CoreMenu | HighlightFlatWireCommand | Highlight Flat Wire | requests flat wire name on terminal and then highlights it
CoreMenu | SelectFlatWireCommand | Select Flat Wire | requests flat wire name on terminal and then selects it
CoreMenu | PrintSelectedFlatCellTypesCommand | Print Selected Flat Cell Types | prints flat cell names of disambiguated selected cells
CoreMenu | PrintSelectedFlatCellTypesCoreCommand | Print Selected Flat Cell Types Core | disambiguates selected flat cell types and prints their Core on the terminal
CoreMenu | PrintSelectedFlatCellTypesRecastedCoreCommand | Print Selected Flat Cell Types Core with all Recasts | disambiguates selected flat cell types and prints their Core and the Core for their recasted cells on the terminal
CoreMenu | HighlightFlatCellTypeCommand | Highlight Flat Cell Type | requests flat cell name on terminal and then highlights it
CoreMenu | SelectFlatCellTypeCommand | Select Flat Cell Type | requests flat cell name on terminal and then selects it
CoreMenu | HighlightCorrespondingLayout | Highlight Layout of Selected Wires | highlights the layout of selected public wires
CoreMenu | RemoveHighlight | Remove Highlight | removes the highlight
CoreToolsMenu (<SPACE>-F)
Static Menu (DAUserCmds)
DefineMenu | StaticMenu | Static Checks | Schematic connectivity checks
StaticMenu | StaticFlatCheck | Flat Check | check flattened connection count
StaticMenu | StaticHierCheck | Hierarchical Check | check hierarchical connection count
StaticMenu | MintCheck | Mint connectivity check | check flat transistor-level connectivity
Rosemary Menu (DAUserCmds)
DefineMenu | RosemaryMenu | Switch-level Simulator | Switch-level simulation
RosemaryMenu | RosemaryCreate | Create Simulation | create a simulation
RosemaryMenu | RosemaryPlotSelectedWires | Plot Selected Wires | plot the selected wires
RosemaryMenu | RosemaryPlotSelectedCellTypes | Plot Selected Cells | plot the selected cell state (if available)
RosemaryMenu | RosemaryPrintSelectedWires | Print Selected Wires | print the values of the selected wires on the terminal
RosemaryMenu | RosemaryCheckCoverage | Check Test Coverage | check that all wires in the simulation went at least one to H and L
Mint Menu (MintCmds)
DefineMenu | MintMenu | Mint | timing simulation and verification
MintMenu | MintSimulate | Simulation | create & run a simulation
MintMenu | MintCheck | Static Check | electrical rules check
MintMenu | MintRatios | Transistor Ratios Check | check weak pull up/down
MintMenu | MintTiming | Timing Analysis | find critical paths
Layout Menu (DAUserCmds, except LayoutMeasure from LogicUtilsImpl)
DefineMenu | LayoutMenu | Layout | layout generation
LayoutMenu | LayoutGenerate | Generate Layout | create layout
LayoutMenu | LayoutShell | Show layout shell | create design to show the layout shell
LayoutMenu | LayoutUndo | Remove Layout | remove layout from a cell
LayoutMenu | LayoutMeasure | Measure Layout | estimate layout area for SC blocks
Lichen Menu (PWCoreLichenImpl)
DefineMenu | LichenMenu | Lichen | structural comparison
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenCompare | Compare Layout and Schematic | check that the layout net list matches the schematic net list
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenForgetComparison | Forget comparison | forget Lichen results on selected cells
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenForgetAllComparisons | Forget ALL comparisons | forget Lichen results on ALL cells
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenEnableAutomorphismHack | Enable Automorphism Hack | allow comparison to succeed when automorphisms are present
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenDisableAutomorphismHack | Disable Automorphism Hack | prevent comparison from succeeding when automorphisms are present
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenEnableQuitEarly | MAY Quit Early | allow PWCoreLichen to quit early
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenDisableQuitEarly | May NOT Quit Early | prevent PWCoreLichen from quitting early
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenWideTolerances | Wide Transistor Tolerances | start with wide tolerances
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenTightTolerances | Narrow Transistor Tolerances | start with narrow tolerances
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenReadTolerances | Read Transistor Tolerances | read starting tolerances
LichenMenu | PWCoreLichenDisplayStats | Display comparison statistics | display Lichen internal statistics
LayoutAndDRC (DAUserDrcCmd)
DefineMenu | LayoutAndDRCMenu | Layout and DRC | invokes submenu
LayoutAndDRCMenu | LayoutNDRC | Generate layout and DRC | uses VTI rules by default
LayoutAndDRCMenu | LayoutNDrcViasOn | DRC with via flatness | not reasonable for large (>3 level) hierarchies
LayoutAndDRCMenu | LayoutNDrcViasOff | DRC without via flatness | fast but may miss some errors
DefineMenu | CoreToolsMenu | Core Tools | Tools which use current Core cell type
CoreToolsMenu | StaticMenu | Static Checker | Static checker submenu
CoreToolsMenu | RosemaryMenu | Switch-level Simulator | Switch-level simulation submenu
CoreToolsMenu | MintMenu | Timing Analyzer | Timing simulation and verification submenu
CoreToolsMenu | LayoutMenu | Layout | Layout generation submenu
CoreToolsMenu | LichenMenu | LVS | Structural comparison submenu
CoreToolsMenu | Spice | Spice | Spice circuit simulation
CoreToolsMenu | CoreThymeExtractSelectedObjAndRunThyme | MOS Circuit Simulator | Thyme circuit simulation
CoreToolsMenu | LayoutAndDRCMenu | Layout And DRC | DRC submenu
OtherProgramMenu (<SPACE>-O)
DefineMenu | SisyphIconMenu | Sisyph: Make Icon
SisyphIconMenu | CreateIconAlpha | Create icon from schematics - alphabetic | create icon object from schematics, sort side pins alphabetically
SisyphIconMenu | CreateIconSrcPos | Create icon from schematics - position | create icon object from schematics, sort side pins by source position
SisyphIconMenu | MakeWireIcon | Make Wire Icon | from code or schematics
SisyphIconMenu | MakeCellIcon | Make Cell Icon | from code or schematics
SisyphIconMenu | MakeSequenceIcon | Make Sequence icon | graphical sequences
SisyphIconMenu | UnMakeIcon | Dissociate icon from source
DefineMenu | SisyphVisibilityMenu | Sisyph: Change Visibility
SisyphVisibilityMenu | MakeInvisibleToExtractor | Make Invisible to Sisyph
SisyphVisibilityMenu | MakeVisibleToExtractor | Make Visible to Sisyph
DefineMenu | SisyphParameterMenu | Sisyph: Parameter Specification
SisyphParameterMenu | SisyphShowParmNames | Show Parameter Names
SisyphParameterMenu | SisyphSetParmName | Set Parameter Name
SisyphParameterMenu | SisyphEditParmNames | Edit Parameter Names
OtherProgramMenu | ExtractLayout | Layout: Extract | calls layout extractor - OBSOLETE
OtherProgramMenu | HighlightNetInLayout | Layout: Highlight | invokes submenu - OBSOLETE
OtherProgramMenu | FlushSisyphCaches | Sisyph: Flush caches | forgets previous extractions
OtherProgramMenu | SisyphIconMenu | Sisyph: Icons | icon management submenu
OtherProgramMenu | SisyphVisibilityMenu | Sisyph: Visibility | invokes submenu
OtherProgramMenu | SisyphParameterMenu | Sisyph: Parameters | invokes submenu
SatellitesMenu | SisyphShowInstExpressions | Show Instance Expressions (LI-Left)
SatellitesMenu | SisyphAddInstExpression | Add Instance Expression (LI-Middle)
SatellitesMenu | SisyphEditInstExpressions | Edit Instance Expressions (LI-Right)
SatellitesMenu | SisyphShowObjExpressions | Show Object Expressions (LI-Left)
SatellitesMenu | SisyphAddObjExpression | Add Object Expression (LI-Middle)
SatellitesMenu | SisyphEditObjExpressions | Edit Object Expressions (LI-Right)
HardCopyMenu | InterpressPlotC | color interpress | uses registered colors
HardCopyMenu | InterpressPlot | b&w interpress | black and white, on any device
HardCopyMenu | PDPlotVersatec | PD Color Versatec | large plots
HardCopyMenu | PDPlotColor400 | PD Color400 | thermal print
HardCopyMenu | PDPlotC150 | PD C150 | ink jet
HardCopyMenu | PDPlotUserDevice | PD using commandfile | special command file; must be set up before issuing command
DRCMenu | DrcSel | Small input DRC (Genista) | verify all design rules
DRCMenu | DrcSelVia | Large input DRC (Genista) | do not verify via flatness rules
DRCMenu | DrcSelMinimal | Minimal DRC (Genista) | verify only separation and width rules
DRCMenu | DrcAll | List violations (Genista) | list violations stored in Core
DRCMenu | DrcDir | Violation count (Genista) | list # of violations stored in Core
DRCMenu | DrcRemove | Remove error rects (Genista) | remove error rectangles in selected cells
DRCMenu | SXSel | DRC (Spinifex) | old stuff
DRCMenu | BackgroundCheckStart | start simple background checking | in this viewer
DRCMenu | BackgroundCheckStop | stop simple background checking | in this viewer
DRCMenu | SXThymeS | Spinifex for Thyme | old stuff
DRCMenu | SXRoseS | Spinifex for Rosemary | old stuff
DRCMenu | SXHighlightNodeK | Highlight Node at Coords (Spinifex) | old stuff
DRCMenu | WellContactsCheck | Well Contacts (Gismo) [CMosB only] | old stuff
DRCMenu | GismoVFSel | Via Flatness (Gismo) [CMosB only] | old stuff
DRCMenu | GismoDIWSel | Diffusion in well (Gismo) [CMosB only] | old stuff
DRCMenu | HFCheck | feature check [for Dragon]
DRCMenu | DraculaDrc | Dracula | Flat DRC on remote Unix host
DRCMenu | DraculaDel | Abort Dracula | Abort Dracula on remote Unix host
ProgramMenu | DraculaSel | Dracula | Flat DRC on remote Unix host
Obsolete entries to be removed when programs have been corrected
OtherProgramMenu | CoreRosemaryExtractSelectedObjAndRunRosemary | Sisyph Extract and Rosemary |
Odds and ends
ImportMenu (Extract)
ImportMenu | PushIntoImportViewer | Push Into Import Viewer | push into schematic or icon in imported design of selected instance
SpecialMenu (Extract)
SpecialMenu | SwitchWireSize | Switch wire size | Switch size of selected schematic wires between thin and thick