Copyright © 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by: Christian Jacobi, August 6, 1986 10:26:43 am PDT
Last Edited by: Christian Jacobi, May 22, 1987 4:00:04 pm PDT
Defines menu entries for ChipNDale
MenuKey | CommandKey | MenuLine | documentation
MenuKey starting with "-": are comments
MenuLine starting with "!": the "!" is removed
CommandKey "NIL": the line is removed
MenuKey = "DefineMenu" defines a menu
(for DefineMenu: CommandKey -> menu key, MenuLine -> header, doc. -> doc.)
MenuKey = "Include" includes other file
(for Include: file name -> CommandKey)
DefineMenu | DRCMenu    | DRC and friends | Design rule checks and extractions
GlobalMenu | IOMenu    | IO     | input output operations
GlobalMenu | DirectoryMenu  | directory   | invoke directory menu
GlobalMenu | CellMenu    | cells     | cell related operations
GlobalMenu | ImportMenu   | imports    | invoke imports menu
GlobalMenu | NameMenu    | names & prop  | invoke names & prop menu
GlobalMenu | TextPropertyMenu  | text & prop   | invoke text & prop menu
GlobalMenu | ProgramMenu   | programs   | invoke program menu
GlobalMenu | ViewerMenu   | viewer    | invoke viewer menu
GlobalMenu | SpecialMenu   | special    | invoke special menu
GlobalMenu | DRCMenu    | drc and friends | invoke drc and friends menu
GlobalMenu | PolygonMenu   | polygons   | invoke polygons menu
GlobalMenu | GeneratorMenu  | generators   | invoke object generator menu
GlobalMenu | SelectionMenu   | selections   | invoke selections menu
GlobalMenu | GarbageMenu   | garbage menu  | commands registered with wrong menus
RectGlobalMenu | HardCopyMenu   | hardcopy menu   | invoke the hardcopy menu
RectGlobalMenu | RectSpecialMenu   | rect special menu  | invoke the special menu
RectGlobalMenu | RectProgramMenu  | rect program menu | invoke the program menu
RectGlobalMenu | RectDRCMenu    | rect drc menu   | invoke the drc menu
RectGlobalMenu | RectSelectionMenu  | rect selection menu | invoke the selection menu
RectGlobalMenu | RectOperatorMenu  | rect operator menu | invoke the operator menu
RectGlobalMenu | RectDrawMenu   | rect draw menu  | invoke the draw object menu
RectGlobalMenu | GlobalMenu    | ! GLOBAL    | invoke the standard global menu
SelectionMenu | DeSelectS    | de-select all  | de-select all
SelectionMenu | SelectAll    | select all   | select all
SelectionMenu | ShowErrors   | select next error msg's   | and deselect everyting else
SelectionMenu | SelectAllErrors  | excl select all error msg's  | and deselect everyting else
SelectionMenu | AddSelectLayer  | select all current layer   | leaves the rest
RectSelectionMenu | CloseReSelectOnlyP   | select  | select pointed object
RectSelectionMenu | OtherSelect      | re select  | select different pointed object
RectSelectionMenu | DeSelectLP      | DE-select | de select ponted object
RectSelectionMenu | MultiAddSelect     | area selection contained | area select everything completely inside rectangle
RectSelectionMenu | AreaDeSelect     | area DE-selection contained | de select everything completely inside rectangle
RectSelectionMenu | AreaAddSelectTouching  | area selection touching | select everything touching rectangle
RectSelectionMenu | AreaDeSelectTouching  | area DE-selection touching | de select everything touching rectangle
RectSelectionMenu | SelectionMenu     | ! SELECTION  | invoke selection menu
CellMenu | CreateCellSAndName  | create cell    | <C-X-middle> create new cell [selection]
CellMenu | PushS      | push in (picture)  | <C-Left> go into selected cell as drawn
CellMenu | PushSIconic    | push in schematics | <X-Left> push into logic of selected cell
CellMenu | PushNamed    | push in named  | ask name of cell; then push into it
CellMenu | PopMenu     | pop out    | <C-Left> go out of cell
CellMenu | ExpandS     | expand    | flatten one level
CellMenu | TransformToCellS   | transform to cell | converts object to cell structure
CellMenu | DrawWithBorder   | border mode on  | draw selected cells with border
CellMenu | DrawWithoutBorder  | border mode off  | draw selected cells without border
CellMenu | SetCellSimplification  | visible at this scale | smallest scale where cell is visible
CellMenu | DirectoryMenu   | ! DIRECTORY  | invoke the directory menu
DirectoryMenu | AccessNamed    | search object  | ask for name of cell; then search it
DirectoryMenu | DisplayCellNames   | list directory  | list objects in directory; optional pattern
DirectoryMenu | DeleteUnUsedObjects  | prune directory  | removes objects from directory; optional pattern
DirectoryMenu | RemoveCell     | remove ob from dir | ask for name and removes object
DirectoryMenu | Replace      | replace ob   | ask for names; replaces all instances
DirectoryMenu | DisplayImportedEntries | list imported objects | list used object of an imported design
DirectoryMenu | CellMenu     | ! CELLS    | invokes the cell menu
SpecialMenu | Undel     | un-delete   | put back deleted objects
SpecialMenu | AbortCommand  | abort command  | abort current command
SpecialMenu | Statistic     | statistic    | information about selected object(s)
SpecialMenu | IncreaseByWidth  | increase length by width | for wires
SpecialMenu | ChangeLayerS   | change layer of selected | to current layer
SpecialMenu | CheckDir    | check directory | a consistency chack
SpecialMenu | RemoveArrow   | remove arrow  | if feedback arrow visible
SpecialMenu | Debug     | debug    | invoke the debug menu
RectSpecialMenu | DefaultIR   | default interest rect   | of the pushed in cell
RectSpecialMenu | SetIR    | set interest rect    | of the pushed in cell
RectSpecialMenu | Coordinates  | measure       | measure distance
RectSpecialMenu | SetArrow   | place arrow      | a special arrow
RectSpecialMenu | SetLayerP   | current layer from pointing | drawing will use pointed layer
RectSpecialMenu | SpecialMenu  | ! SPECIAL      | invokes the special menu
RectDrawMenu | DrawText     | text
RectDrawMenu | DrawCell     | cell by name
RectDrawMenu | DrawImported    | import by name
RectDrawMenu | DrawRepetition   | repetition  asks for number and makes repetition
RectDrawMenu | DrawPolygonMark  | polygon mark
RectDrawMenu | DrawPin     | pin, segment or mark  and asks for name
RectDrawMenu | DrawWire     | L-wire  wire in current layer
IOMenu | SaveDesign    | save (truth only) | output design; use design name
IOMenu | OutputDesign   | output (truth only) | output design; asks for filename
IOMenu | CachedOutputDesign | cache mode output | temporary output design; truth is not guaranteed
IOMenu | IncludeADesign  | include design as instance | includes a design; (copy all objects!)
IOMenu | DirectoryMenu  | ! DIRECTORY  | invokes the directory menu
IOMenu | ImportMenu   | ! IMPORTS   | invokes the imports menu
DefineMenu | ImportMenu  | Imports
ImportMenu | DisplayImportedEntries | list imported objects  | list used object of an imported design
ImportMenu | ImportADesign    | load import design (cache) | ask for design and imports it (get bits temporary)
ImportMenu | MerginImport    | make imports resident | get the bits of an import for permanent
ImportMenu | ReplaceByImp   | undo make imports resident | replace included by imports
ImportMenu | ImportDefaultName  | specify default file for import | property on design for future imports
ImportMenu | IOMenu     | ! IO   | invokes the IO menu
DefineMenu | ViewerMenu  | Viewer options
ViewerMenu | SplitViewer   | split viewer   | creates a new view for this design
ViewerMenu | ResetScaleAll  | zoom all    | makes the whole design visible
ViewerMenu | ResetScaleTop  | zoom top lev   | makes the top level cell visible
ViewerMenu | ResetScaleSel  | zoom selected   | makes the selection visible
ViewerMenu | RestoreScale   | previous zooming  | back to previous scale
ViewerMenu | DisplayViewers  | display viewers | position of other viewers
ViewerMenu | EnforcePanel   | control panel   | opens or blinks control panel
ViewerMenu | GridInfo   | GRID     | grid for snapping the cursor
ViewerMenu | TicksInfo   | TICKS     | dots to help positioning
ViewerMenu | SetSimplification | SIMPLIFICATION | invokes the simplification menu
ViewerMenu | DrawModeMenu | DRAWMODE   | invokes the draw mode menu
DefineMenu  | HardCopyMenu  | Hard copy     | hard copy options
PolygonMenu | SplitPolygon    | split up      | Splits up curved object back to marks
PolygonMenu | MakePolygonS   | make polygon
PolygonMenu | MakePolygonB   | ! make polygon, all cc-marks
PolygonMenu | MakeLineS    | make line
PolygonMenu | MakeLineB    | ! make line, all cc-marks
PolygonMenu | MakeFilledCurveS | make filled curve
PolygonMenu | MakeFilledCurveB | ! make filled curve, all cc-marks
PolygonMenu | MakeSplineS   | make spline
PolygonMenu | MakeSplineB   | ! make spline, all cc-marks
PolygonMenu | RSelPMarks   | add-select cc marks
PolygonMenu | SetOwnMarkP   | set owner to marks cc
PolygonMenu | RemOwnMarkP  | forget owner of marks
PolygonMenu | MStatC     | count marks
GeneratorMenu | SelectGenerators  | select generator   | select generator name space
GeneratorMenu | FlushGenerators  | flush current generator | forget objects already generated
ProgramMenu | MakeProgram  | make text  | creates program which can create selected cell
ProgramMenu | CountRects   | count flat rectangles  | slow! flat count of rectangles
ProgramMenu | CountTypes  | count types (all designs)| slow! global count of chipndale datatypes of all designs
RectProgramMenu | ProgramMenu | ! PROGRAM   | invokes normal program menu
RectProgramMenu | CreateTextCell | create label cell  | a label is a text made as cell of rectangles
DefineMenu | RectDRCMenu    | DRC ... on rects | Design rule checks and extractions
RectDRCMenu | DRCMenu     | ! DRC-MENU
RectDRCMenu | SpinifexHighlightNodeP | Highlight Node (Spinifex)
TextPropertyMenu | ExtractPropTop   | extract properties top level I
TextPropertyMenu | ExtractPropSel   | extract properties selected ob I
TextPropertyMenu | RemPropTop    | remove all properties top level I
TextPropertyMenu | RemPropSel    | remove all properties of sel inst
TextPropertyMenu | SetPropWithSelection | selected properties to selection
TextPropertyMenu | SetPropPushed   | selected properties to pushed in O
TextPropertyMenu | SelectFromProp   | select using property I
TextPropertyMenu | PropagateSignalName | propagate SignalName I
DrawModeMenu | ViewEnv | draw environment | of pushed in cells
DrawModeMenu | ViewNEnv | dont draw environment | of pushed in cells
DrawModeMenu | ViewSym | draw symbolic objects | pins, segments, alignment marks
DrawModeMenu | ViewNSym | dont draw symbolic objects | pins, segments, alignment marks
DrawModeMenu | ViewBord | draw border | of cells with cell-border-mode on
DrawModeMenu | ViewNFSub | dont substitute tioga fonts | usually! print fonts can be used directly
DrawModeMenu | ViewFSub | substitute tioga fonts | like in interpress plots
DrawModeMenu | ViewNBord | dont draw border | of cells with cell-border-mode on
DrawModeMenu | SetSimplification | set view simplification | invokes simplification menu
DrawModeMenu | ViewerMenu  | ! VIEWER | invoke viewer menu
CommentLayerMenu | LayerComment | black | black comment layer
CommentLayerMenu | LayerGreen  | green | green comment layer (width from black)
CommentLayerMenu | LayerYellow  | yellow | yellow comment layer (width from black)
CommentLayerMenu | LayerRed   | red  | red comment layer (width from black)
CommentLayerMenu | LayerBlue   | blue  | blue comment layer (width from black)
DefineMenu | TextMenu  | Text operations |
TextMenu | ChangeText  | replace selected texts | <Y-right> replace text strings
TextMenu | CDTextsFlip  | set flip mode | text tries to stay readable on orientations
TextMenu | CDTextsRigid | set rigid mode | text will orientate completely
TextMenu | GetText   | panelText ← selection | <Y-left> moves text to panel
TextMenu | GetFont   | panelFont ← selection | copies font into panel
TextMenu | ReadFont  | panelFont ← interactive | get default font from interactive input
DefineMenu | SatellitesMenu    | Satellites | texts accessible from programs
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesSelectSat   | select satellites | <I-(Left | CTRL)> selects satellite group of selection
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesSelNotGroup  | select non-satellite texts | <CTRL-SHIFT-I> satellites of pushed in cell
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesDrawInstSat  | draw instance satellite | <I-Middle> of selected wire
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesDrawObSat  | draw object satellite  | <O-Middle> of pushed in cell
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesAddInstSat  | add instance satellite  | adds selected texts to satellites of selected wire
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesAddObSat  | add object satellite   | add selected texts to object satellites of pushed in cell
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesReSetInstSat  | reset instance satellites | use selection explicitely to make satellites of selected wire
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesReSetObSat  | reset object satellites  | use selection explicitely to make satellites of pushed in cell
SatellitesMenu | SatellitesUndoSat   | remove satellite association | of selected texts and wires