<> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY CD; CDPrivate: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN <<-- Layers and technologies>> LayerRef: TYPE = REF LayerRec; LayerRec: TYPE = RECORD [ technology: CD.Technology _ NIL, uniqueKey: ATOM _ NIL, -- unique per technology properties: CD.PropRef, globalUniqueKey: REF _ NIL, --use as CDValue key reserved by CDDefaults number: CD.Layer ]; layers: READONLY REF ARRAY CD.Layer OF LayerRef; ConvertLayer: PROC [technology: CD.Technology, uniqueKey: ATOM, into: CD.Layer]; <<--To enable input of no more supported layers>> <<--To be used by technology implementors only>> ConvertTechnologyKey: PROC [technology: CD.Technology, oldKey: ATOM]; <<--To register an alternative key for a technology>> <<--To be used by technology implementors only>> <<>> <<>> <<-- Designs>> DesignEnumerator: TYPE = PROC [design: CD.Design] RETURNS [quit: BOOL_FALSE]; EnumDesigns: PROC [p: DesignEnumerator] RETURNS [BOOL]; <<--only subset of designs will be enumerated>> <<--Enumerator does NOT have a lock on design: design is readonly unless locked explicitely>> InstallDesignEnumerator: PRIVATE PROC [PROC [p: DesignEnumerator] RETURNS [BOOL]]; <<--Designs are also used for private purposes, therefore, enumeration must only return those>> <<--designs which are protected with the mutability flag or where public access is intended,>> <<--e.g. designs with viewers or control panels.>> <<>> <<-- Grid>> GetGrid: PROC [design: CD.Design, hint: REF_NIL] RETURNS [CD.Number]; <<--Returns a grid number >> <<--Interesting, because it returns a grid without explicitely importing viewer modules >> <<>> InstallGetGrid: PRIVATE PROC [PROC [design: CD.Design, hint: REF_NIL] RETURNS [CD.Number]]; <<--Used by viewer modules to set up GetGrid>> <<>> <<>> <<-- Handy procedures for object generators...>> Hash: PROC [x: REF] RETURNS [h: CARDINAL]; <<--assumes x of type CD.Object>> <<--generates hash code using size, layer and class>> Equal: PROC [x, y: REF] RETURNS [BOOL]; <<--assumes x, y of type CD.Object>> <<--checks class, layer, bbox and ir>> <<>> MinBBox: PROC [s: CD.Position] RETURNS [CD.Rect] = INLINE { RETURN [[x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: MAX[s.x, 1], y2: MAX[s.y, 1]]] }; END.